What Is The Foundation Of Your House Built On?

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 99 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
What Is The Foundation Of Your House Built On?
When speaking about your house being built upon a rock or sand, we don't really mean it in its true sense. What we mean here is that some people have homes where their whole family is unstable and on the path to losing everything, others have well-functioning and stable families that will always succeed and defeat adversities because they are unified and full of love for each other. So, which one is your home? The one built on sand or the one build on a rock? Take our quiz and find out now.

Questions Excerpt

1. What do you like the most about your family?

A. Their good mood

B. Their solidarity

C. Their individuality

D. Nothing

2. What do you like the most about the house you share with your family?

A. It's big

B. It's spacious

C. It's always warm

D. You can't answer because you are always busy

3. What do you like doing with your family?

A. Eating

B. Cooking pizza on a Friday night

C. Playing

D. Watching TV

4. What is the most important event during the year for you and your family?

A. Christmas

B. Birthdays

C. Thanksgiving

D. You can't think of one

5. How big is your family?

A. You, your partner and your children

B. You, your partner, your siblings, your children, and their cousins

C. You and your children

D. You and your siblings

6. Who do you call first when you feel blue?

A. Your family

B. Your friends

C. Your partner

D. No one

7. Who do you call first when you have some great news?

A. Your family

B. Your children

C. Your friends

D. Nobody

8. Are you closer to your friends or to your family?

A. You are closer to your friends

B. You are closer to your family

C. You are closer to your lover

D. Nobody

9. Who are the most important people for you?

A. Your partner and your family

B. You, your partner, and your family

C. Your children

D. Just yourself

10. Between sand and rock which element do you pick?

A. Sand

B. Rock

C. Both

D. None of them

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