What Is My Sex Preference Quiz?

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 553 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
 What Is My Sex Preference Quiz?
Everyone’s sexual preferences are different. Some people prefer standard traditional sex, while others have all different types of kinks and fantasies. If you haven’t had much opportunity to explore all the different options that are out there and are curious as to what type of sex you prefer, you have come to the right place!rnBased on your answers to these questions about your personality and preferences, this quiz will reveal what type of sex you would like the most and if it’s something you haven’t tried before or know nothing about. Take this What Is My Sex Preference quiz to find out. This will definitely be a good place to start. Enjoy!

Questions Excerpt

1. Have you ever acted on a fantasy of yours or had a desire to?

A. Yes, I definitely have

B. I have wanted to but never actually did it

C. No, I have never done anything like that

2. Have you ever engaged in public sexual acts or had a desire to do so?

A. Yes, I definitely have

B. I have wanted to but never actually did it

C. No, I have never done anything like that

3. Have you ever had sex with multiple people at one time or had a desire to?

A. Yes, I definitely have

B. I have wanted to but never actually did it

C. No, I have never done anything like that

4. Have you ever taking a video of you and a partner having sex or wanted to do so?

A. Yes, I definitely have

B. I have wanted to but never actually did it

C. No, I have never done anything like that

5. Have you ever had sex with multiple partners within the same day?

A. Yes, I definitely have

B. I have wanted to but never actually did it

C. No, I have never done anything like that

6. Have you ever used toys, bondage equipment, or other things during sex or had a desire to try any of those things?

A. Yes, I definitely have

B. I have wanted to but never actually did it

C. No, I have never done anything like that

7. Do you enjoy getting a little rough in the bedroom, i.e., spanking, biting, hair pulling, scratching, etc.?

A. Yes, I definitely have

B. I have wanted to but never actually did it

C. No, I have never done anything like that

8. Have you ever seen something in a movie or read about something that was a little kinky that you wanted to try out in the bedroom?

A. Yes, I definitely have

B. I have wanted to but never actually did it

C. No, I have never done anything like that

9. Have you ever had experience with being tied up/tying someone up, whips, hot wax, etc., or had an interest in trying it?

A. Yes, I definitely have

B. I have wanted to but never actually did it

C. No, I have never done anything like that

10. Have you ever sent nude photos or videos of yourself to someone you were sexually interested in?

A. Yes, I definitely have

B. I have wanted to but never actually did it

C. No, I have never done anything like that

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