What Ethnicity Guy Should You Date Quiz

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 1655 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
What Ethnicity Guy Should You Date Quiz
Dating a guy is all about getting to know him and if you’re both compatible in certain ways. Guys from various ethnicities have distinct qualities that attract women. This task of dating can be made even easier if you are aware of the various ethnicities and their distinct qualities in guys. If you have ever wondered what ethnicity you should date, take this ‘What ethnicity guy should you date quiz’ to find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. Which hair color would you prefer on a guy?

A. Black

B. Brown

C. Blonde

D. Red

2. What would you rather do on a Saturday night?

A. Party all weekend

B. Family time 

C. Adventure

D. Sleep

3. What is your favorite season?

A. Summer

B. Fall

C. Winter

D. Spring

4. Which word describes you the most?

A. Outgoing

B. Nerd

C. Creative

D. Loner

5. Your partner has to be…

A. The hot and attractive guy

B.  The brilliant guy

C. The sweet and romantic guy

D. The cool

6. Which body type is most attractive to you in a guy?

A. Muscular chest and toned abs

B. Plump and short

C. Tall and lanky

D. Athletic and fit

7. What is your definition of a perfect date?

A. A romantic dinner

B. Movie date

C. Picnic at the beach

D. Tickets to a concert

8. The best present you could receive on your birthday from him is…

A. Flowers

B. A trip to your favorite place

C. A diamond ring

D. Shopping spree sponsored by him

9. If you could learn a new language, what would it be?

A. French

B. Chinese

C. Italian 

D. Spanish

10. How important is family to you?

A. Seeing them on holidays is all I need

B. I’m indifferent

C. I would have no family ties

D. They are very involved in my life

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