What Does Our Love Oracle Predict For You Quiz?

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 65 | Updated: Sep 04, 2022
 What Does Our Love Oracle Predict for You Quiz?

Here's an interesting quiz for you. What does our love oracle have in store for you? This quiz will help you learn some interesting facts about your future love life. Love is a magical force that enhances the beauty of our lives. 

That’s why everyone needs and desires love, but are you ready for it? Take this What Does Our Love Oracle Predict For You quiz to find out what our love oracle has in store for you.

Questions Excerpt

1. Let’s say you're walking alone in the woods. The weather is lovely, and the sun is shining brightly. While walking on your own, you discover a wooden hut and this hut is surrounded by fencing on all sides. Did not take long to realize since you notice the strawberries that look like so tasty in the beautiful garden of this beautiful house. There is no one nearby. Would you go across the fence for those strawberries?

A. Strawberries look very delicious, would be okay to taste a little

B. Private property of someone else. So tasting wouldn't be appropriate for me

C. I'd look at the grass in the garden and the state of the house. If I'm sure no one is there, I'd get the strawberries

2. What is the meaning of the phrase "love is in the air" to you?

A. It means that there is the possibility of love all around you

B. It means that there are many people around you who have the potential to fall in love with you

C. It means that love will be at your doorstep soon

3. What would you say about yourself as a partner?

A. A lover who is uninterested

B. Passionate

C. Romantic

4. When do you know you're madly in love with someone?

A. When I can't get that person out of my mind

B. I'm nervous, my heart is racing, and I'm not happy

C. Already planned to marry that person

5. Do you believe in Karma or Fate?

A. Nah, such things are just bullshit

B. I am actually a science savvy and a little bit nerd. But I've seen and heard tons of things in my life that I call them like "Karma", or that can be explained strictly as fateful

C. I'm undecided. Still, doing research like this is enjoyable

6. What kind of gifts would you like to receive from your partner?

A. Something I've always wanted. It doesn't have to be expensive or something; what matters is that it is care to my requests

B. Collectibles or lingerie would be fantastic

C. Something unique to our relationship

7. Assume you're embarking on a long journey. In this adventure, you need to choose one of the three animals. Which of them will escort you?

A. A horse

B. A tiger

C. A dog

8. Do you believe that the feeling of love is temporary or permanent?

A. Yes, and keeps relationships alive!

B. Temporary, peridot

C. Love is temporary, but loyalty is permanent

9. What is the primary reason that a relationship lasts?

A. Common mindset

B. Sexual attraction

C. Loyalty

10. To what extent do the partners' incomes influence the trajectory of their relationship?

A. A lot! The meaning of love is overrated. In reality, love only lasts a short time. Partners should have similar standard of living. Otherwise, that relationship is over

B. Fifty fifty. The main reason for a healthy relationship is not the money. However, would be great if the partners had nearly equal economic potential in order to avoid future problems with this issue

C. Zilch! The key is loyalty and understanding. Partners in a relationship can have a lot of money, but it's useless if they don't have loyalty

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