What Do I Want In A Relationship Quiz

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 1158 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
What Do I Want In A Relationship Quiz
Are you currently dating or looking for a relationship? Do you know what you should be looking for and how to find it? How can you tell which type of relationship is best for you? Everyone is different when it comes to relationships, and you want to make sure you are looking for the correct type of relationship and the right type of person that best fits your desires and needs to create a recipe for success.  However, sometimes we have a hard time determining exactly what those things are that we should be looking for or that would be best for us.Take this quiz now to find out what type of relationship is best for you so you could be sure you get started in the right direction in your pursuit of love.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you prefer to be in a monogamous relationship, or does it not really matter to you?

A. Typically monogamous, but I am not looking to settle down

B. Monogamous

C. Non-monogamous

D. It honestly doesn’t matter to me, I am open to whatever

2. Have you ever been in a relationship where you and your partner had a mutual agreement regarding engaging in sexual activities with people outside of your relationship?

A. No, but if I am just dating around I don’t typically stick to just one person

B. No never

C. Yes, I have been in open relationships before where sex outside of the relationship isn’t that big of a deal

D. I have, but only when we both agree on the circumstances beforehand

3. Are you looking for a committed relationship that will hopefully be with the person you will spend the rest of your life with?

A. No, not right now

B. Yes

C. I would like to be in a committed relationship, but it doesn’t have to be a traditional marriage

D. i am not sure yet, I am just looking to enjoy myself and am open to new ideas and experiences

4. Would you consider yourself the jealous type?

A. Not always, but I can be when I am dating someone

B. Sometimes, it depends

C. No, not at all

D. Rarely

5. How would you react if your partner suggested engaging in sexual encounters with people outside of your relationship?

A. If we are not really serious I don’t see the need in even discussing it

B. I would definitely not be okay with that

C. I might be skeptical at first, but I would be open to hearing them out. It might be fun!

D. I am totally okay with that

6. What are you looking for in a relationship currently?

A. Something casual with menial stress

B. Finding someone I can settle down with hopefully

C. It’s not really specific, I am pretty open to anything

D. I hope to find some fun and excitement in non-traditional ways

7. Have you ever explored an open relationship, polyamorous relationships, swinging, etc.?

A. Not really

B. No, definitely not

C. Somewhat

D. Yes

8. Do you tend to like having control in a relationship or being more passive?

A. Yes

B. No

C. It depends, I have been both in the past

D. I am open to anything, it doesn’t matter to me

9. Do you feel comfortable discussing sex with your partner and making sure your needs are being met in the bedroom, whether it is with just one person or more than one?

A. Not really, I never have

B. When I feel comfortable and safe with the person I am dating I can open up in that way somewhat, but probably not 100%

C. Maybe not right away, but once I feel comfortable I am an open book

D. Absolutely, I have no shame in that

10. Even if you have never explored any other type of relationship other than traditional monogamy, would you at least be open to discussing it and hearing the other person out if it would make them happy?

A. I am not sure I could do that

B. I guess it depends what exactly they were trying to discuss. I might not mind the discussion, but I am not sure I would feel comfortable actually doing it

C. Yes, I would be open to hearing them out

D. I have had experiences like this in the past, so no issues with that here

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