Are There Signs Your Crush Doesn’t Like You Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 610 | Updated: Sep 04, 2022
 Are There Signs Your Crush Doesn’t Like You Quiz?

Acceptance is a great feeling. People usually yearn for acceptance within whatever space they find themself. Most humans have an innermost desire to love and to be loved in return. Yet we can never force people to love us back even if we love and adore them. 

What a wonderful feeling it is for the person you like or are crushing on to like you back. But you wouldn’t want to assume wrongly and think someone you are crushing on likes you because they are just acting nice towards you. Let’s take this quiz to learn signs that your crush doesn’t like you.

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you come into contact with your crush?

A. Every day

B. Once week

C. Once in a while

2. How long have you known your crush?

A. For a few years

B. Since childhood

C. For a few months now

3. Where did you meet your crush?

A. In my neighborhood

B. At the park

C. In school

4. Has your crush ever gazed at you?

A. Yes, just once

B. Never

C. Always

5. How do you act in the presence of your crush?

A. Nervous

B. Shy

C. Confident

6. Do you stalk your crush?

A. Sometimes

B. Not at all

C. Just once

7. How can you tell that you are crushing on this person?

A. I think about this person often

B. I always talk about this person

C. My heart beats at a faster rate whenever I see this person

8. How close are you to your crush?

A. Not that close

B. Not close at all

C. Very close

9. .How does this person reciprocate nice gestures like a wave?

A. Ignores me

B. Gives me a blank look

C. Waves back at me

10. Has your crush ever tried to flirt with you?

A. Not really

B. Never

C. Occasionally

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