Should I Let Her Go Quiz

Imani Bowman
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Imani Bowman, LPC
Imani Bowman
Licensed Professional Counselor
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Imani enjoys working with children, families, and individuals. She is especially passionate about working with pre-teens, teenagers, and young adults as they transition through... Read More

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 190 | Updated: Aug 18, 2024
Should I Let Her Go Quiz

Whether you have been dating the girl for a while or for years, or you have been simply crushing her on the girl, it may be hard indeed is hard to let her go if you are attached to her in any way. But clinging to any feelings or a relationship that isn’t meant to be will only hamper your well-being and hinder your prospects of finding true love in your life.

So, take this "Should I Let Her Go?" quiz to find out if it’s time to let her go and move on or stick around.

Questions Excerpt

1. How well do you get along with her?

A. We fight pretty often

B. We get along pretty well

C. Lately, we have been facing issues

2. How promptly does she respond to your texts?

A. She is pretty prompt at responding

B. She ignores my texts

C. She takes time to respond if she is busy

3. Does she seem to avoid you in public?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes / Maybe she feels shy

C. No

4. How often do you hang out with her?

A. Pretty often, we hang out whenever we can

B. Rarely, she avoids hanging out with me

C. We hang out occasionally

5. If she needs help, does she reach out to you?

A. Mostly, yes

B. Never

C. Sometimes

6. How does she refer to you in front of her friends?

A. She avoids referring to me as anything

B. Her boyfriend/ girlfriend

C. A friend

7. Do you two fight often and do your fights get ugly?

A. We fight often, and usually, the fights get ugly

B. We fight rarely, they are mostly arguments

C. We fight occasionally, and I wouldn't call our fights ugly

8. Do you think your relationship with her is toxic?

A. Yes

B. No

C. I am not sure

9. Do you fear losing her?

A. Yes, I am addicted to her

B. Yes, I love her / Yes, she is a dear friend

C. I don’t know

10. Have your friends or family ever suggested you let her go?

A. Yes, they always do

B. Not all of them

C. No

11. Do you feel like you can be yourself around her?

A. Yes, I feel comfortable being myself

B. No, I feel like I have to pretend to be someone else

C. I'm not sure

12. How often does she cancel plans with you at the last minute?

A. Rarely, only in emergencies or unforeseen circumstances

B. Frequently and without a good reason

C. Sometimes, but she always has a valid reason

13. How does she treat other people in her life, such as friends or family?

A. Kindly and respectfully

B. Negatively or with disrespect

C. It varies depending on the person or situation

14. How often does she initiate plans or contact with you?

A. Often, she usually takes the lead

B. Rarely, it's usually up to me to plan things

C. Never, she never initiates anything

15. Do her values and beliefs align with yours?

A. Yes, we have similar values and beliefs

B. No, we have significant differences

C. I'm not sure

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