Should I Forgive Her For Cheating Quiz

Jonathon Carrington
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Jonathon Carrington, LPCC
Jonathon Carrington
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Jonathon Carrington is a dedicated Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor based in Maryland, specializing in supporting men and their partners navigating abusive relationships.... Read More

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 1086 | Updated: Sep 12, 2024
Should I Forgive Her for Cheating Quiz

Discovering infidelity in a relationship can stir up emotions and tough questions about the future. This quiz is designed to help you reflect on your feelings and the dynamics of your relationship post-infidelity. It’s important to remember that this 'Should I Forgive Her for Cheating' quiz is not a substitute for professional counseling, which we highly recommend pursuing to navigate this complex situation.

Questions Excerpt

1. How would you describe your relationship before the cheating occurred?

A. We had our issues and frequent disagreements

B. It was generally stable with typical ups and downs

C. Things seemed great, which makes this even harder to understand

2. What impact has this incident had on your self-esteem?

A. My self-esteem has not been significantly affected

B. It has taken a hit, but I'm managing

C. It has severely damaged my self-confidence

3. How do you view the future of your relationship?

A. I am optimistic we can overcome this

B. I'm unsure but willing to see where things go

C. I am pessimistic about our chances

4. Has your partner taken steps to make amends beyond just apologizing?

A. Yes, they've made significant changes in behavior

B. They've made some efforts, but it doesn’t seem enough

C. No, they haven’t done much beyond apologizing

5. Do you feel that the relationship is worth the effort to rebuild?

A. Yes, the relationship is fundamentally strong

B. I'm uncertain if the effort will be worth the outcome

C. No, I feel it might be too broken to fix

6. How has the communication between you and your partner changed since discovering the infidelity?

A. We communicate more openly now

B. It's more strained than before

C. We hardly talk about meaningful things anymore

7. Can you envision a life alone, without your partner?

A. Yes, I believe I can be content on my own

B. The thought is daunting but not impossible

C. No, the idea of being alone is very unsettling

8. Do you and your partner have a family together?

A. No, it's just the two of us

B. We were planning on building a family

C. Yes, we have children which complicate decisions

9. Do you believe in monogamy?

A. Yes, I strongly believe in being with one person at a time

B. My beliefs are shaken; I'm reconsidering what I thought

C. I'm questioning whether monogamy is realistic for me

10. What was your reaction upon discovering the infidelity?

A. I needed space and cut off contact temporarily

B. We confronted the issue through a significant argument

C. We discussed the underlying problems in our relationship

11. How deeply do you feel connected to your partner emotionally?

A. I feel profoundly connected and committed

B. My feelings have diminished, and I'm uncertain about our bond

C. I’m re-evaluating my emotional investment following recent events

12. How long do you think it will take before you forgive your partner?

A. I have already forgiven her

B. Possibly a few months to a year

C. I honestly do not know

13. Do you think that people cheat because they have found someone better?

A. I hope not

B. Possibly

C. No, it’s more about the circumstances than finding someone better

14. How are you coping with your feelings after discovering the infidelity?

A. I am primarily hurt but not feeling guilty

B. I feel a mix of hurt and personal guilt

C. I'm focusing on my own feelings, not feeling guilty

15. Why do you think forgiveness might be important if you choose to pursue it?

A. For my own emotional peace and to potentially salvage our relationship

B. To maintain a semblance of normalcy for external reasons, like family

C. I believe forgiveness is essential for moving past any major conflict

16. What would need to happen for you to consider forgiveness?

A. A sincere apology and visible efforts to mend the relationship

B. A clear understanding and mutual agreement on how to move forward

C. I don't know if any conditions could lead to forgiveness

17. To the best of your understanding, what factors contributed to the infidelity?

A. I’m not sure why it happened

B. External pressures or dissatisfaction might have played a role

C. It seems like a search for something different or new

18. Has your belief in fidelity changed after this incident?

A. My belief in fidelity remains strong

B. I'm more skeptical about faithfulness now

C. I find it hard to believe in fidelity anymore

19. Before this incident, had either of you ever breached trust significantly?

A. No, this is the first breach of trust

B. Yes, there have been past issues on both sides

C. No, but now I am questioning everything

20. How has infidelity impacted your view of the relationship?

A. I'm struggling but hopeful about recovery

B. I'm keeping busy to avoid thinking about it

C. I feel overwhelmed and unsure if I can move past it

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