Should I Date My Best Friend Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 4834 | Updated: Jun 16, 2023
 Should I Date My Best Friend Quiz?

Having a best friend is so much fun! But when you start to have never-ending romantic thoughts about your best friend, perhaps it's time to take your relationship to the next level. But, will your best friend approve of it? If you are unsure about whether dating is in the books for you and your best friend, take this quick "Should I Date My Best Friend?" quiz and find out!

Questions Excerpt

1. How close are you with your best friend?

A. We're super close and comfortable physically and emotionally

B. We're very close emotionally, and we're starting to get comfortable physically

C. We're very close, but I am not sure if it means anything more

D. We are close, but I don’t see it going any further

2. How often do you think about your best friend?

A. I think about my best friend all the time, and I believe they do it too!

B. I think about my best friend most of the time, and it is hard to stop my thoughts.

C. I think about my best friend, just the way friends think about each other.

D. I hardly think about my best friend when I'm not with them.

3. Do you think your best friend talks about you to other people?

A. I'm very certain that my best friend talks about me all the time and to everyone.

B. I think my best friend talks about me to other people, but not very often.

C. I think my best friend mentions me around other people casually.

D. I don’t see any reason for my best friend to talk specifically about me to other people.

4. How often do you hang out with your best friend?

A. I hang out with my best friend all the time. If we cannot catch up in person, we stay in touch over the calls and texts.

B. I hang out with my best friend as often as possible. We are always in touch though!

C. I hang out with my best friend almost every weekend.

D. We have our own schedules, so we don’t tend to catch up too often

5. Have you been with your best friend in romantic places like a romantic restaurant or watching a romantic movie together?

A. I've been to lots of romantic places with my best friend.

B. I've been to some amazing places with my best friend. But, I am not sure if I can label them to be romantic.

C. We go out for movies and dinners, but they aren’t romantic as such

D. I've never been to a romantic place with my best friend

6. Have you ever kissed or felt like kissing your best friend?

A. I always feel like kissing my best friend, and I have done it a few times in the past.

B. I have not kissed before, but I always feel like kissing my best friend.

C. I have kissed them on their cheek. I love getting close to them

D. I've never kissed before, nor do I feel like kissing my best friend!

7. Do you enjoy hugging or being physically close to your best friend?

A. I love hugging and being physically close to my best friend.

B. I kind of enjoy hugging my best friend.

C. I like hugging, but I'm not sure about being physically close to my best friend!

D. Hugging is okay, but nothing beyond that!

8. Do you feel jealous when your best friend hangs out or talks about someone who is not you?

A. I get very jealous when my bestie hangs out with someone else.

B. I get jealous when my best friend does it too often!

C. Sometimes

D. I never get jealous when my best friend is hanging out with someone else. They have their space too!

9. Do you think your best friend is romantically available and looking for a relationship?

A. Yes! I think my best friend is looking for a serious relationship.

B. I think my best friend is ready to be in a serious relationship, but I'm not fully certain.

C. I'm not sure if my best friend is prepared to be in a serious relationship.

D. No, I don't think my best friend is looking for any sort of serious relationship.

10. Do you think you will have a good time and enjoy dating your best friend?

A. Yes! I'm fully confident my best friend and I will have a great time together

B. Yes, I think my best friend and I might enjoy being in a relationship

C. I'm not sure if my best friend will enjoy this transition in our relationship.

D. I think my best friend prefers us to stay as friends.

11. Does your best friend ever flirt with you romantically?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. They do but I’m not sure if it is romantically or not

D. Not really

12. Does your best friend makes an effort to stay close to you?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. I don't think so

13. Have you ever caught your best friend staring at you while you’re not looking?

A. Yes, often

B. Sometimes

C. I think so

D. No

14. Do you and your best friend share your deepest feelings with each other?

A. Yes, mostly

B. Some of them

C. Not the deepest ones

D. Not really

15. Do you like the kind of person your best friend is and vice versa?

A. I do

B. Mostly

C. I'm not sure

D. Not really

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