Quiz Your Spouse - Do I Really Know My Partner?

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 215 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Quiz Your Spouse - Do I Really Know My Partner?
Do you want to know what your spouse thinks about you? Do you live with a mysterious person or a person who seems to know it all and who also seems to be the reason why the relationship works so well? Maybe you should ask your spouse to complete this quiz so you both can find out about them. So, are you ready? Take a few minutes of your time to complete this quiz now.

Questions Excerpt

1. Who pays the bills at your house?

A. You

B. Your spouse

C. Both of you

D. Sometimes it's you, other times it's your partner

2. Who receives presents most of the time?

A. Your spouse

B. You

C. You both do

D. Neither one of you do

3. Who wears the pants in your relationship?

A. You

B. Your spouse

C. You both do

D. Neither one of you do

4. How does your spouse feel about you looking at other people?

A. They are very jealous when it happens

B. They don't really say much, because you guess they don't care

C. They laugh at it

D. They get mad and then they forget about it

5. Does your spouse suspect you of flirting with someone at your job?

A. Yes, obviously

B. You are not sure but it's a possibility

C. If they do, they obviously don't talk about it

D. No

6. Does your spouse look at your phone to monitor your calls?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Sometimes

C. Probably, but you are not sure

D. No

7. Does your spouse pay the bill at the restaurant?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Most of the time

D. No

8. Does your spouse come up with most ideas when it comes to entertainment?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

D. Yes, since they are the smartest one

9. Does your spouse think long-term when it comes to investments?

A. Yes, because they make all the money

B. Yes, sometimes

C. Not really

D. No, but you wished they did since they make all the money

10. Does your partner include you in most decisions?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

D. Yes, but it's rare

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