Will Your Marriage Last Quiz?

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 2152 | Updated: Aug 26, 2022
 Will Your Marriage Last Quiz?

Nowadays, marriages tend to last less than they did decades ago for multiple reasons: society is no longer blamed for getting divorced, and people have to withstand more economical and social pressures. This makes you wonder how if your marriage will last. Take our ‘Will your marriage last quiz’ to find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you talk for the pleasure of conversation and feel you are truly connected?

A. Every day

B. Once or twice a week

C. Once a month

D. Almost never

2. Do you ever fantasize of being with someone else?

A. Never

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Frequently

3. What do you feel about your differences?

A. We honor each other's differences

B. We sort of agree to disagree

C. We are a bit tensed about them

D. We can't get over them

4. How do you talk about challenging topics?

A. In a calm and open manner

B. We feel a bit tensed but try to be kind to each other

C. We tend to raise our voices

D. It's "Mortal Kombat"

5. Are you judgmental of each other?

A. Never, we resort to respectful criticism

B. Occasionally

C. Often

D. We find something to judge about each other every day

6. Do you feel emotionally safe in your marriage?

A. Totally

B. Most times yes

C. Sometimes

D. Not really, one wins and the other is silent

7. How often do you experience physical intimacy with your spouse?

A. Every day

B. Several times a week

C. Once a week

D. Once a month

8. Do you respect each other?

A. Absolutely

B. Most times yes

C. Not really

D. Not at all

9. Do you agree on the number of children you want to have?

A. Yes, we are on the same wavelength

B. Mostly yes

C. We are still discussing this aspect

D. One of us doesn't want children while the other is looking forward to it

10. How does an evening spent together look like?

A. We cook together and make love

B. We have a walk together

C. We watch a film together

D. We are on the couch in front of the TV and each one is checking the phone

11. Do you have a healthy sex life with your partner?

A. Yes

B. Yes, we work on it

C. Not really

D. Not at all

12. Can you solve problems without arguing?

A. Yes

B. Yes, we work on it

C. Not really

D. Not at all

13. Are you and your partner faithful?

A. Yes

B. Yes, we work on it

C. Not really

D. Not at all

14. Does your spouse meet your expectations in the marriage?

A. Yes

B. Yes, we work on it

C. Not really

D. Not at all

15. Does your partner support you?

A. Yes

B. Yes, we work on it

C. Not really

D. Not at all

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