Is My Husband A Workoholic Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 512 | Updated: Jun 13, 2024
Is My Husband A Workoholic Quiz?

Do you sometimes wonder, is my husband a workaholic? Is it difficult for your husband to leave the office or to put his phone down? Is your husband working a lot this week and  did you say that several times? Your husband may be addicted to his job, or at the very least, very concerned about certain aspects of it.Take, is my husband a workaholic quiz and answer the questions below to determine how much of a workaholic he is. Let's dive in!

Questions Excerpt

1. Is it possible for your husband to work a few extra hours per week than he had planned?

A. Yes, all the time!

B. Just sometimes

C. No, never

2. When your husband is not working, does he become grumpy, guilty, or anxious?

A. Yes

B. It depends on his mood

C. Just a couple of times

3. Does your husband spend a lot of time while he's not at work checking his work email or phone, or thinking about work he hasn't finished?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

4. Is he attempting, but failing, to reduce his working hours?

A. In general, yes

B. Not sure

C. No, he’s fine with this busy process

5. Does his work ever have a detrimental impact on his personal life?

A. Yes

B. Neutral

C. No

6. Does his work ever prevent him from getting enough sleep?

A. Yes, It’s a usual thing

B. Just sometimes but it’s not a regular thing

C. No, he is obsessed with sleep!

7. Does his work ever get in the way of his health?

A. Definitely yes, his job is a priority to him

B. Sometimes

C. No, never

8. Does he sacrifice days off for his job?

A. Yes, and it drives me crazy

B. Just sometimes

C. No, never

9. Does he find it difficult to concentrate on discussions or other tasks when he is not working?

A. Yes

B. I'm not sure

C. No

10. Does he hide about how many hours he works from you?

A. Yes

B. Why would he do that?

C. No, he’s quite open to that

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