Bedroom Mistakes Women Make Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 815 | Updated: Sep 15, 2022
Bedroom Mistakes Women Make Quiz

Sometimes, love may not come naturally. The Ancient Hindus had a reason to write the famous Kama sutra book, and the fact that people go to sexologists these days is showing the same thing – love needs to be learned. Some of us are natural lovers, while other are inhibited due to a restrictive education or bad experiences from the past. Take this quiz to find out if you make mistakes in bed!

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you fake orgasms?

A. Never

B. I did this a couple of times

C. Occasionally

D. Often

2. Do you ever tell your partner what your expectations in bed are?

A. Whenever it is necessary

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. Never, I am ashamed of the subject

3. How would you describe the sex you have?

A. Intimate

B. Pleasant

C. Satisfactory

D. Annoying

4. Do you ever reject your partner?

A. Never

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Often

5. How is your sex drive?

A. Perfect, I'd say

B. Pretty good

C. Below average

D. Almost non-existent

6. Where do you have sex?

A. Anywhere

B. Usually in the bedroom, but we also try new places

C. Just in the bedroom

D. Nowhere

7. How often do you initiate sex?

A. Half of the times we have sex or more

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. Never

8. What is sex for you?

A. Creating a connection between us

B. Pleasing each other

C. Finding each other's pleasure spots

D. An obligation

9. When was the last time you tried something new in bed?

A. Last time we had sex

B. Maybe last month

C. Last year

D. Can't remember

10. What do you think about oral sex?

A. I like it

B. It's OK

C. I'm not very much into it

D. It's gross!

11. Have you ever tried to climax at the same time?

A. Yes, done it a few times

B. Most of the time it works

C. Sometime it works, sometime it doesn’t

D. It never worked

12. Do you clean up your bedroom for sex?

A. Always

B. Mostly

C. Sometimes

D. Not really

13. Are you being honest about your sexual desires to your partner?

A. Yes

B. Most of the times

C. I don’t share everything because I think that I will not be comfortable

D. I don’t feel comfortable enough

14. If your partner suddenly suggests something unusual in bed, you will…

A. Try and understand what it is

B. Will tell them to try it later

C. Will be turned off

D. Will decline immediately

15. Do you expect your partner to do everything when it comes to sex?

A. No, I equally participate

B. Once in a while

C. Sometimes

D. Yes

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