Are You A Perfectionist In Your Relationship Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 64 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
 Are You a Perfectionist in Your Relationship Quiz?
The way we approach our relationships shapes the way we love. Some people are perfectionists in a relationship, trying to do everything in the best way possible. However, others prefer going with the flow and don’t mind that everything is not perfect in their relationship. Your attitude within the relationship can affect the dynamic of your relationship. So, why not find out more about it right here!rnPrepare to unveil a long-held secret to understanding why your relationship is the way it is. We invite you to assess your relationship tendencies honestly based on this ''Are you a perfectionist in your relationship'' quiz!

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you try to please your partner and have their needs met all the time?

A. Yes

B. It depends

C. No, my own needs are the priority

2. Do you work hard to make the relationship work?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

3. Are you hyper-vigilant and always looking for mistakes?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

4. Are you hiding your relationship issues, even from your close friends, to preserve the perfect facade?

A. Yes, they don't need to know

B. It depends on the situation

C. No

5. Do you maximize and overanalyze the significance of minor setbacks in your relationship?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. I'm not sure

6. Do you view conflict as a failure?

A. Yes

B. Depends on the type of conflict

C. I'm not sure

7. Do you have a lot of rules and theories on "how to be a perfect partner"?

A. Yes

B. A few

C. Nope

8. After a fight, do you worry that your partner will change their mind about you or that the relationship is falling apart?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

9. You fall in love with an idealized version of the other person and how you perceive them — not with who they truly are.

A. Strongly agree

B. Neither agree nor disagree

C. Strongly disagree

10. When you think about what your body looks like, what do you tend to focus on?

A. Honestly, I don't strive for perfection there. I try to notice what I like about myself

B. I don't pay much attention to my appearance

C. I notice what I would like to change about myself

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