Does Your Marriage Pass The Marital Health Test Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 1443 | Updated: Aug 28, 2024
Does Your Marriage Pass the Marital Health Test Quiz

Marriage is a journey with its unique set of challenges and rewards. Whether you've been together for a few years or several decades, each phase of marriage can offer new insights into your relationship.

the 'Does your marriage pass the marital health test?' quiz is designed to help you reflect on various aspects of your marital health and provide prompts for further conversation or action. Remember, this quiz is for self-reflection and not a substitute for professional marital advice.

Questions Excerpt

1. How long have you been married?

A. Just a few years

B. A decent amount of time

C. A really long time

D. More than half my life

2. What do you most appreciate about your partner?

A. Smile

B. Sense of humor

C. Their integrity and character

D. I find it hard to seek positive traits

3. Do you trust the advice your partner gives you?

A. Always

B. Almost always

C. Sometimes

D. Almost never

4. How often do you go out together?

A. Frequently

B. Regularly on weekends

C. Occasionally

D. Rarely

5. How often do you travel together?

A. Often

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. Never

6. How effective is communication in your relationship?

A. We communicate openly and effectively

B. We usually communicate well

C. Communication is inconsistent

D. We struggle to communicate

7. How important is romance in your relationship?

A. It's a key component

B. It's important but not central

C. It occurs sporadically

D. It's minimal or absent

8. Does your partner respect your independence?

A. Absolutely, they support my individuality

B. Generally, they respect my need for personal space

C. It's a frequent topic of contention

D. I feel smothered

9. How often do you both make time for fun together?

A. Very often

B. Regularly

C. Occasionally

D. Rarely

10. How do you keep your marriage exciting?

A. We actively pursue new experiences together

B. We try to keep things interesting

C. We occasionally try something new things

D. We rarely deviate from routine

11. Do you feel comfortable discussing your concerns with your partner?

A. Yes, they make me feel secure and comfortable

B. Generally comfortable

C. Sometimes, it's difficult

D. Rarely comfortable

12. Can you accept having different opinions from your partner?

A. Always, we respect each other's views

B. Usually, though, it can be challenging

C. It's difficult, but we manage

D. It often leads to conflict

13. Do you maintain individual friendships outside of your marriage?

A. Yes, we both have our own friends and shared friends

B. Yes, but mostly shared friends

C. Not really, our friends are mostly mutual

D. I lack a supportive friend network

14. Do you feel contempt towards your partner?

A. Yes, this is a frequent occurrence

B. Yes, sometimes

C. I’m not sure

D. No, not at all

15. Does your partner make you feel beautiful and special?

A. No, they make me feel bad about myself

B. Not really

C. Yes, sometimes

D. Yes, for sure

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