Are You In A Loveless Marriage Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 7556 | Updated: Aug 04, 2023
 Are You in a Loveless Marriage Quiz?

There are increasingly loveless marriages, mainly because couples have difficulty adhering to traditional roles and understanding each other. There's also the reason that people are too busy to develop legitimate feelings for each other, and there is a desire for equality among partners, regardless of gender, even when they enter marriage. Many other factors could lead to a loveless marriage, but would you like to find out whether your marriage is loveless? Take our 'Are you in a loveless marriage' quiz and discover more about your connection.

Questions Excerpt

1. When was the last time your partner took you on holiday somewhere?

A. Just last year

B. Just a few months ago

C. A very long time ago

D. Just a few weeks ago

2. When was the last time you were ever intimate with your partner?

A. A few hours ago

B. Last night

C. Just last week

D. Actually, it's been more than a month now

3. When was the last time you felt loved?

A. A few years back

B. Just last year

C. I can't remember

D. Actually, I've always been unlucky when it comes to love

4. Do you still give hugs to each other?

A. Yes, of course

B. Yes, especially after sex

C. Yes, when something great has just happened

D. No, not really

5. Are you comfortable sleeping on the same bed with your partner?

A. Yes, why not

B. Yes, because I actually bought the bed

C. Sometimes

D. No, not anymore

6. Do you still laugh at each other’s jokes?

A. Of course, we still have a great sense of humor

B. Of course, that's what makes us tolerate each other

C. No, because we are disgusted with one another

D. No, because I was never funny anyway

7. Do you think your lover is hiding something from you?

A. No

B. Yes

C. Yes, and it's obvious since they've changed their behavior lately

D. No, that's just not how they would operate with me

8. Do you still agree on how you both raise your kids?

A. Yes, of course

B. It's a must

C. Sometimes

D. Most of the time

9. Do you feel used by your partner?

A. Yes, extremely used

B. Just a little bit

C. I used to feel this way but not anymore

D. No

10. Do you still share a bank account together?

A. Yes

B. Yes, since I'm the one with all the assets and they are the ones with all the ideas

C. No, we don't trust each other anymore

D. And why would I share an account in the first place. That's dumb.

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