Is Your Inner Child Wounded Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 7567 | Updated: Apr 01, 2023
 Is Your Inner Child Wounded Quiz?

Your childhood was probably exciting and youthful, but you probably had some bad experiences as a child,  which might mean that your inner child with so many hopes and dreams is wounded. Maybe it’s not, but you’ll only find out after taking this is your inner child wounded quiz.

Questions Excerpt

1. Have you been a bully as a child?

A. Never

B. I have

C. I'm not sure

2. Have you ever been bullied as a child?

A. No, I haven't

B. Yes I have

C. I don't know

3. What was your childhood dream?

A. Going to funfair

B. Playing games

C. Other

4. What was your favorite subject you studied at school as a child?

A. Maths

B. English

C. Other

5. Have you faced anything bad as a child?

A. No

B. I'm not sure

C. Yes

6. Have you been a shy person as a child?

A. No

B. Yes

C. Kind of

7. What age did you hit puberty at?

A. 11

B. 12

C. Other

8. What was your favorite sport as a child?

A. Football

B. Basketball

C. Other

9. How well would you describe your childhood?

A. Good

B. Not bad

C. Really bad

10. Would you want to relive your childhood?

A. Yes

B. No

C. I'm not sure

11. How would you describe your family?

A. Codependent

B. Perfectionist

C. Dysfunctional

12. What is the easiest way to gain love and acceptance from others?

A. To agree with them

B. To be good and selfless

C. To be successful and wealthy

13. Do you feel an inner pressure to succeed?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

14. Do you avoid challenges in your life?

A. Never

B. Sometimes

C. Yes

15. Do you lend a helping hand to other people to solve their problems?

A. Always

B. Sometimes

C. Not really

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