Is She Your Soulmate Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 6700 | Updated: Aug 13, 2023
 Is She Your Soulmate Quiz?

People day in and day out question their relationships and wonder if the person they are with is good for them. You might also, like hundreds of other people, be wondering if your partner is the one for you. If you're questioning yourself, “Is she really my soulmate?” then cease worrying. Take this simple and interesting 'Is she your soulmate?' quiz to clear your mind and find out if she is the one you're looking for!

Questions Excerpt

1. Does she take an interest in your hobbies?

A. Yes, often

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No, almost never

2. Does she make you feel good about yourself?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No, not really

3. Does she appreciate you?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No, never

4. Do you and your partner share any interests?

A. Yes, we like all the same things!

B. Yes, we like some of the same things

C. No, we don’t have anything in common

5. Do you see a potential future in this relationship?

A. Yes, absolutely!

B. Not sure

C. No, I don’t see a future for us

6. Do you feel warm and comfortable when you’re with her?

A. Yes

B. Not sure

C. No

7. Do you enjoy talking with her?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

8. Do you feel comfortable sharing personal stuff with her?

A. Yes, I tell her everything

B. Yes, I tell her some things

C. No, I don’t tell her anything

9. Can you see yourself being in a relationship with anyone other than your current partner?

A. No, I can’t even imagine!

B. Not sure

C. Yes, I can somewhat see it

10. Do you think about your partner when you’re not around her?

A. Yes, I think about her all the time

B. Yes, I think about her sometimes

C. No, I barely think about her

11. Does she support your dreams and aspirations?

A. Yes, she's my biggest cheerleader!

B. Yes, she encourages me sometimes

C. No, she doesn't seem interested

12. Do you have open and honest communication with her?

A. Yes, we share everything openly

B. Yes, but we hold back some things

C. No, we struggle to communicate honestly

13. Can you be yourself around her without any judgment?

A. Yes, she loves me for who I am

B. Yes, but I feel judged sometimes

C. No, I feel uncomfortable being myself

14. Does spending time together feel effortless and enjoyable?

A. Yes, every moment is delightful

B. Yes, but we have occasional rough patches

C. No, it often feels forced or awkward

15. How do you feel about the idea of a long-term commitment with her?

A. I'm excited and ready for it!

B. I'm unsure or nervous about it

C. I'm not interested in a long-term commitment

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