Is My Relationship Over Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 12498 | Updated: Oct 07, 2024
Is My Relationship Over Quiz

When you’re deeply in love, the thought of your relationship ending feels unimaginable. Even if your partner hints or says it’s time to move on, it’s natural to question why and hold on to hope. Many of us find ourselves searching for answers, trying to understand if it’s really over or if there’s still a chance to fix things.

Are you feeling uncertain about where your relationship stands? If you’re questioning whether it’s truly the end, take our 'Is my relationship over' quiz to gain some clarity.

Questions Excerpt

1. When was the last time you were intimate with your partner?

A. Recently

B. A few weeks ago

C. Last month

D. I don't really remember. It has been long time.

2. When was the last time you said "I love you" to one another?

A. Recently

B. A few weeks ago

C. A few months back maybe

D. I can't think of the last time it actually happened

3. How many times do you still call or text one another?

A. Every now and then

B. Once in a few days

C. Only when we need to

D. It's rare

4. How frequently do you argue in front of people?

A. All the time

B. Sometimes

C. Never. We discuss things in private.

D. It happened a few times, but we regretted it

5. How frequently do you fight behind closed doors?

A. All the time. I'm so done with this.

B. Sometimes and it's frustrating

C. Mostly at the time when our issues pile up

D. It's happens sometimes but it ends on a positive note

6. Do you feel drained out by your relationship?

A. Yes. It was always like this.

B. Yes, and I can't wait to leave it

C. Only when I let arguments and insults get to me

D. No, not really

7. Do you see yourself with this partner in 5 years?

A. Yes, of course

B. Yes, but only if he/she changes

C. Yes, only if it's worth it

D. No

8. If you fell pregnant in the near future, how would you feel?

A. Devastated

B. Worried! A lot worried

C. I do not want that but we'll see the best course forward

D. Surprised but elated

9. What do you believe has kept you together to this day?

A. The love you've got for one another

B. Respect

C. Money

D. I really don't know

10. What do you believe makes your relationship stronger?

A. Love

B. Common objectives

C. Our love for our children

D. External factors like finances and social standings

11. How do you feel when you're around your partner?

A. Happy and at peace

B. Mostly indifferent

C. Often tense or frustrated

D. Drained, as if we don’t connect anymore

12. How often do you discuss future plans together?

A. All the time, we’re building our future together

B. Sometimes, but only on serious issues

C. Rarely, it's been a while since we talked about the future

D. We never really planned much together

13. Do you still enjoy spending time together?

A. Yes, we love doing things together

B. Sometimes, but we also need a lot of space

C. It feels forced most of the time

D. We never spent much quality time together

14. Do you feel supported by your partner?

A. Always, my partner is my biggest supporter

B. Sometimes, but I wish they were more involved

C. Not really, we don’t rely on each other that much

D. I’ve never truly felt supported

15. How do you handle arguments in your relationship?

A. We talk things out and find solutions

B. We try, but it often ends unresolved

C. Arguments escalate quickly and lead to more problems

D. We avoid serious discussions altogether

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