Is My Husband Emotionally Abusing Me Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 117 | Updated: Dec 28, 2023
Is My Husband Emotionally Abusing Me Quiz

Emotional abuse within a relationship can be insidious, leaving scars that are not always visible but can be profoundly damaging. 

It's essential to recognize the signs and take them seriously. This quiz is designed to help you assess whether you may be experiencing emotional abuse in your marriage. Now, let's begin the ‘Is my husband emotionally abusing me’ quiz to better understand your experiences and feelings in your marriage.

Questions Excerpt

1. Does your husband frequently make derogatory comments about your appearance, intelligence, or abilities?

A. No, he appreciates and supports your self-esteem

B. Yes, he frequently criticizes and belittles you

C. Occasionally, he makes critical remarks but not excessively

2. How does your husband typically react when you voice concerns about the relationship or express your feelings?

A. He listens attentively and responds with empathy

B. He often dismisses your concerns, making you feel unheard

C. He occasionally listens but tends to minimize your feelings

3. When disagreements arise, how does your husband usually handle them?

A. He engages in open and respectful discussions to find solutions

B. He frequently becomes defensive, blames you, or avoids the issues

C. He sometimes acknowledges the problems but doesn't consistently address them

4. How often does your husband attempt to control your decisions, actions, or social interactions?

A. Rarely, he respects your autonomy and independence

B. Frequently, he tries to exert control over various aspects of your life

C. Occasionally, he exhibits controlling behavior

5. Does your husband consistently show respect for your boundaries and personal space?

A. Yes, he respects your boundaries and personal space

B. No, he often invades your personal space and disregards your boundaries

C. He respects boundaries but may occasionally push them

6. How does your husband react when you spend time with friends or family without him?

A. He encourages and supports your social connections

B. He often becomes jealous, accuses you of wrongdoing, or attempts to isolate you

C. Occasionally, he expresses discomfort but doesn't consistently exhibit jealousy

7. How does your husband respond when you express your desire for personal growth or independence?

A. He supports your goals and encourages your personal growth

B. He often reacts negatively, making you feel guilty for wanting independence

C. Occasionally, he expresses discomfort but doesn't consistently oppose your independence

8. Does your husband frequently manipulate your perception of reality or deny past actions as a means of control?

A. No, he acknowledges past actions and respects your perspective

B. Yes, he frequently engages in gaslighting behavior

C. Occasionally, he may try to manipulate your perception

9. How often does your husband use threats, intimidation, or ultimatums to get his way in disagreements?

A. Rarely, he prefers non-confrontational conflict resolution

B. Frequently, he resorts to threats and intimidation to assert control

C. Occasionally, he may use such tactics during heated arguments

10. Does your husband often withhold affection, attention, or support as a form of punishment?

A. No, he consistently provides affection and support

B. Yes, he frequently withholds affection or support to punish you

C. Occasionally, he may use this tactic when upset

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