Is My Ex Messing With My Head Quiz

Keli Stalder
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Keli Stalder, LPC
Keli Stalder
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I believe everyone can benefit from therapy.  My focus is to help individuals heal, energize, and become aware of their inner strengths.  I strive to achieve this... Read More

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 485 | Updated: Jul 15, 2024
Is My Ex Messing With My Head Quiz
If you are still in touch with your ex, whether on text or social media, you may be wondering if your ex is messing with your head. It can be hard to determine the reasons behind their actions, especially if there is a lack of trust that is already there. Your ex’s behavior can be confusing. Maybe they are just nice to you. They could be trying to hurt you or “get back” at you if there are unresolved emotions or grudges. Chances are also that they are doing neither and just being cordial with you, completely unaware of how it is making you feel. If you are confused if your ex is messing with your head, take this quiz.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you feel like your ex is purposely posting things on social media to try to hurt you or get in your head?

A. Yes

B. Somewhat

C. Rarely

D. No

2. Is your ex trash-talking you to other people?

A. I don't know

B. Rarely

C. Yes

D. No

3. Does your ex still bring up the past and try to make you feel bad about it?

A. No

B. Rarely

C. Yes

D. Sometimes

4. Would you consider your ex to be immature in general?

A. No

B. I don't know

C. Yes

D. Sometimes

5. Does your ex go out of their way to try to see you or talk to you?

A. No

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Yes

6. Do you think your ex is still hurt by the way things ended?

A. No, I think they are over it

B. I don't know

C. Yes

D. No, I think they want to get back together

7. Do you think your ex considers themselves a victim of what happened in your relationship?

A. They used to, but I don’t think they do anymore

B. I don't know

C. Yes, definitely

D. No, I think they realize they were wrong

8. Do they seem to get joy out of hurting you?

A. No, it doesn’t seem so

B. I am not sure

C. Yes

D. No, it seems like they feel bad about it

9. Do you also do things to try to make your ex upset or jealous?

A. Not anymore

B. No

C. Yes

D. Rarely

10. Do you think your ex is trying to get back together with you?

A. No, I think that they have moved on

B. I am not sure; it is hard to tell

C. Somewhat, but I don’t trust them

D. Yes, I do

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