Is Low Self-Esteem Preventing Me From Finding Love Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 331 | Updated: Mar 30, 2023
 Is Low Self-Esteem Preventing Me From Finding Love Quiz?

Self-esteem can have a major influence on how we choose our partners. People with a low level of confidence might think that they don’t deserve to be in a happy, rewarding relationship and can end up making the worst choices or coping with an abusive partner. Take our quiz and find out if low self-esteem is preventing you from finding love.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you feel you can fully express your thoughts and feelings when you’re in a relationship?

A. Not at all

B. Mostly

C. Yes, I can be myself

2. Can you show your vulnerability to your partner?

A. Not at all

B. Mostly

C. Yes, absolutely

3. Can you accept your weaknesses?

A. Not at all

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, all the time

4. Do you ever feel “unlovable”?

A. Often

B. Rarely

C. Never

5. Is financial security more important for you than having an authentic connection?

A. Absolutely

B. Not really

C. Not at all

6. Do you put up with the behavior you don’t like from your partner?

A. Very often

B. Rarely

C. Never

7. Do you enjoy intimacy with your partner?

A. No, it feels awkward

B. Moderately

C. Yes

8. Do you feel valued at home?

A. Not at all

B. So-so

C. Yes

9. Does your partner perceive and validate you as you wish?

A. Not at all

B. So-so

C. Yes

10. Do you keep yourself busy all day long so you don’t look at your problems?

A. I do it all the time

B. Occasionally

C. Rarely

11. Do you doubt yourself as a good partner?

A. Yes

B. Rarely

C. Only when I’m introspecting

12. Do you compare yourself to other people like you?

A. Yes, a lot

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

13. When you’re trying to learn something new, you:

A. Put a lot of pressure on yourself

B. Make sure I keep trying enough

C. Allow myself enough time to learn

14. When you make a mistake, you:

A. Feel pathetic about myself

B. Feel guilty about it

C. Feel bad and apologize for it

15. How well do you get along with people you’ve just met?

A. I maintain my distance

B. I let them initiate the conversation

C. I try to break the wall and get comfortable

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