How Well Do You Know Your Fiance Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 123 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
How Well do You Know Your Fiance Quiz
How well do you know your fiance? If you are looking to get married, it is important to ask yourself, how well do you actually know your fiance?  It is important for martial partners to feel close and to have a friendship among themselves. In order to make sure that you truly know your partner, take our quiz, and you will see if they are your forever or just your for now.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you know your fiance’s favorite color?

A. Yes! I know all their favorites!

B. I think I know it

C. Could I guess?

D. I have no clue

2. Have you met your fiance’s parents?

A. No, I’m not interested in meeting their parents

B. I’m nervous about meeting their parents

C. I am planning to meet them

D. Yes, we have met, and they love me!

3. rnAre you and your partner happy together?

A. We are extremely happy together 

B. We are somewhat happy

C. We have happy moments together

D. We are not happy at all together

4. Do you get along with your fiance’s friends?

A. I spend very little time with their friends

B. I spend no time at all with their friends

C. I spend a decent amount of time with my fiance’s friends

D. I spend a lot of time with my fiance’s friends

5. Would you know what food to get your fiance without asking?

A. Yes, I know exactly what they order

B. I could make an educated guess

C. I think I know part of their food order

D. I have no clue what they would want

6. How does your fiance feel about having children?

A. My fiance and I are on the same page about children 

B. I think that I know how they feel about children 

C. I think that I know how they feel about children 

D. I do not know how my fiance feels about children

7. If you were to snoop through their text messages, would you know what you’d find?

A. I would never snoop through their phone

B. I do not know what I would find. I probably wouldn’t snoop

C. I do not know what I would find, but I would definitely snoop

D. I know exactly what I would find. I snoop all the time

8. Do you know where they are when you aren’t with them?

A. We always tell each other where we are

B. I tell them where I go, but they do not always do the same 

C. I tell them where I go, but they do not always do the same 

D. No idea!

9. Do you know your fiance’s passwords?

A. Yes, we share all our passwords

B. I know some of them

C. I could guess and get in

D. I do not know any of their passwords

10. What do you and your fiance talk about with each other?

A. We talk about absolutely everything that comes to mind

B. We talk about most things, but some things are held back

C. We talk about work and other surface-level things

D. We rarely talk, and if we do, it’s basic level stuff

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