How To Tell If A Married Man Likes You Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 3021 | Updated: Jun 30, 2023
 How to Tell if a Married Man Likes You Quiz?

A lot of people love the feeling of being pursued by another person. The excitement it creates also makes it difficult to reject the advances being made, especially if you also have feelings for that person. However, certain situations make being pursued a little more complicated.

One of the biggest ones is being pursued by someone you can’t have, such as a man who is already married. Regardless of how much you want to keep it going, it could be confusing because you know he is not available and then starts to second guess the signals he has been sending that lead you to believe he is interested.

Is he just being friendly? Is he just a person who likes to be the center of attention but has no desire to have a relationship outside of his marriage? Does a married man have a crush on you? Take this 'How to tell if a married man likes you' quiz to find out!

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you know if this married man has ever been unfaithful to his spouse in the past?

A. Not that I know of

B. I am not sure

C. I wouldn’t be surprised, but I don’t know for sure

D. Yes, he has

2. Does it seem like he is always trying to find time to be alone with you, even if it is as simple as walking you to your car after work?

A. No, we are always in a group

B. Sometimes, but I am not sure if it is just because we are friends

C. I don’t think so, but I am not sure

D. Yes, it does seem like he does that

3. Does he ever take his wedding ring off when he is around you?

A. Not that I notice

B. No

C. He never has it on in general; I am not sure why

D. Yes, I have noticed that

4. Does he ever talk poorly about his spouse or his marriage to you?

A. No

B. Sometimes, but I think it is just as a friendly conversation

C. Sometimes, but I think it is just as a friendly conversation

D. Yes, all the time

5. Does he seem to act differently around you than he does around everyone else?

A. Not really

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Yes

6. Does he seem to make extra effort to try to see you?

A. I don’t think so

B. At times, but only to do things as friends and nothing romantic

C. I am not sure

D. Yes, I think he does

7. Does he always seem to have his eye on you or be paying attention to you the most when you are in his company?

A. Sometimes

B. Yes, always

C. Not that I have noticed

D. No

8. Is he protective over you?

A. No

B. Only in the way other friends are, not in a romantic kind of way

C. I don’t think so/Not that I have noticed

D. Yes

9. Does he make comments about your love life that seem like he might be a little jealous?

A. No, he doesn’t know much about my love life

B. Sometimes, he does

C. I don’t think so

D. Yes, all the time

10. Has he ever brought his spouse around you?

A. I have seen them places, but he hasn’t necessarily brought his spouse around me, particularly

B. Yes

C. Rarely

D. No, never

11. Does he ever try to touch you inappropriately or make unwanted advances?

A. No, never

B. Not yet, but I am worried it might happen

C. I am not sure

D. Yes, he has

12. Does he make excuses to spend time with you, even if it means canceling plans with his spouse or family?

A. No, he always prioritizes his family and spouse

B. Sometimes, but I think it's just because we are good friends

C. I am not sure

D. Yes, he has canceled plans with his spouse or family to spend time with me

13. Does he give you expensive gifts or offer to pay for things for you?

A. No, he never gives me gifts or offers to pay for things

B. Sometimes, but I think it's just because he's generous

C. I am not sure

D. Yes, he has given me expensive gifts or offered to pay for things for me

14. Does he flirt with you or make suggestive comments?

A. No, he never flirts with me or makes suggestive comments

B. Sometimes, but I think it's just his personality

C. I am not sure

D. Yes, he flirts with me or makes suggestive comments

15. Have you noticed any signs of jealousy from the married man?

A. Yes, he gets jealous when I interact with other people

B. No, he seems unaffected by my interactions with others

C. I'm not sure, as I haven't observed any clear signs of jealousy

D. Yes, in rare moments

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