How To Know If Someone Loves You Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 8672 | Updated: Sep 23, 2022
 How to Know If Someone Loves You Quiz?

We all want to meet someone nice that could love us and share great moments with us. But things get quite complicated when you fall in love out of the blue, and the other person doesn’t seem to have the same feelings as you. You could also be in a relationship right now, not knowing if the other person truly loves you. So, do you think the other person loves you? Take our quiz and find out now.

Questions Excerpt

1. Does this person call you all the time?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Sometimes

C. Only when they need to

D. No, you call them

2. Does this person love to hug you sometimes for no reason?

A. Yes, of course

B. Yes, and it always takes you by surprise

C. It is actually mutual

D. No, they hug you when they need something

3. Does this person constantly tell you that they love you?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Too much

C. Yes, by the way they look at you

D. No, they have a hard time doing so

4. Is this person always there when you need them?

A. Yes, always

B. They are there whenever they can

C. They are there, even from a distance

D. No, they always find an excuse not to do certain things

5. Can you read the affection on this person’s face every time they look at you?

A. Yes, always

B. Sometimes

C. You can feel the affection rather than reading it

D. No, you read nothing

6. Do you have doubts about this person’s feelings for you?

A. Yes, and it’s very strong

B. Only when they don’t tell you that they love you

C. Only when they are nowhere to be seen

D. Only when you can’t look them in the eye

7. Are you overwhelmed by this person’s attention for you?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Not really

D. Well, they don’t give you that much attention to begin with

8. Are you safe around this person?

A. Yes, very much

B. When they look at you, yes

C. Once they are around you, you feel safe

D. Not really

9. Do you feel lucky to be with that person because of the way they treat you?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes, but you also like your personal space

C. Yes, because they make you feel special

D. No, because you are not happy with the way they treat you

10. Is your intimacy with this person something magic?

A. Yes, all the time because this person is very delicate with you

B. Yes, because this person gives you what you need in bed

C. Yes, because this person looks at you like a deity

D. No, there’s really nothing special happening there

11. Do they listen actively by asking questions and waiting their turn to share?

A. Yes, they have their eyes on me

B. Yes, because they pay attention to the little details in the story

C. Yes, because they tell me they love listening to my stories

D. No

12. Do they acknowledge your differences instead of trying to change you?

A. Yes, it just shows in their eyes

B. Yes, they attentively ensure they don’t overstep

C. Yes, because they communicate it clearly

D. Not sure

13. Do they encourage you to do your own thing?

A. Yes, it’s an understanding

B. Yes, for every little thing

C. Yes, they always assure me

D. Sometimes

14. Do they seem to be making an effort?

A. Yes, and I don’t need to say them to make an effort

B. Yes, they pay attention to every little detail

C. Yes, and they leave no chance in expressing it

D. Rarely

15. Do you feel they want the best for you?

A. It just shows in their eyes

B. Yes, they are more concerned about me than I am

C. Yes, and they keep assuring me

D. They behave differently each time

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