How To Determine Your Relationship Blueprint Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 93 | Updated: Dec 28, 2023
How to Determine Your Relationship Blueprint Quiz

Understanding your relationship blueprint is key to building healthy, fulfilling connections. If you've ever wondered about the patterns and expectations you carry into your current relationships, our quiz can offer valuable clarity. 

'How to Determine Your Relationship Blueprint Quiz' aims to help you explore the influence of your past on your love life. Let's embark on this journey of self-awareness to uncover the secrets that guide your relationships

Questions Excerpt

1. How do you typically handle conflicts or disagreements in your relationships?

A. I try to maintain harmony and avoid conflicts at all costs

B. I'm willing to compromise and find middle ground

C. I prefer addressing conflicts openly and assertively

2. When it comes to decision-making in your relationship, which statement best describes your approach?

A. I often let my partner make decisions, prioritizing their preferences

B. We make decisions jointly and consider each other's viewpoints

C. I tend to be assertive and make most decisions independently

3. How do you feel about spending time alone in a relationship?

A. I often feel uncomfortable and prefer constant togetherness

B. I enjoy spending time alone and with my partner in moderation

C. I value my alone time and see it as essential for personal growth

4. How do you react when your partner expresses vulnerability or needs emotional support?

A. I may feel overwhelmed and unsure how to respond

B. I'm empathetic and try to provide emotional support

C. I might expect my partner to handle their emotions independently

5. How important is it for you to share common interests and activities with your partner?

A. It's crucial; I want to be involved in everything my partner enjoys

B. It's nice to have shared interests, but individual interests are also important

C. I prefer having distinct interests and independence in activities

6. How often do you seek external advice or opinions when facing relationship challenges?

A. I often ask for advice and rely on others to make decisions

B. I seek advice occasionally but make most decisions within the relationship

C. I prefer making relationship decisions independently without external input

7. When facing uncertainty or change in a relationship, what's your typical response?

A. I may feel anxious and resist change, preferring stability

B. I adapt to change with some apprehension but remain open to it

C. I embrace change and uncertainty as opportunities for growth

8. How do you handle compliments or affirmations from your partner?

A. I appreciate compliments but often deflect or downplay them

B. I value compliments and express gratitude for them

C. I may feel uncomfortable receiving compliments and prefer minimal praise

9. In your relationships, how do you perceive the concept of boundaries?

A. I'm unsure about setting boundaries and often feel overwhelmed

B. I believe in setting boundaries and respect my partner's boundaries

C. I may have rigid boundaries and expect others to respect them

10. When reflecting on past relationships, what stands out as a recurring pattern?

A. I often felt the need to please my partner and prioritize their needs

B. I noticed a balance between giving and receiving in my relationships

C. I often asserted my independence and prioritized my own needs

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