How Often Is He On Your Mind Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 31 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
How Often Is He On Your Mind Quiz?
Have you ever wondered how much of your time and energy you spend musing over your crush or significant other? When you’re in love, you tend to think about this person so much without even being aware of it. rnYou may catch yourself thinking about this person randomly. If you’ve ever wondered about this, then this ‘How Often Is He on Your Mind Quiz’ might help you find an answer to your question.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you spend a significant amount of time imagining all the fun moments and memories you can create with him?

A. Yes, I always daydream about our future 

B. I have other things to worry about

C. I only think about that once in a while

2. Do you always want to share any news with him in the moment?

A. He’s the first person I call when I receive exciting news

B. Only those that affect him

C. I always forget to tell him in the moment

3. How often do you check up on your partner when you’re not together?

A. I text him all day long

B. An occasional text or call when I miss him

C. I hardly do

4. Do you find yourself constantly talking to your friends and colleagues about him?

A. All the time

B. Sometimes

C. Never

5. Do you relive your moments by looking at photos and videos of you two together?

A. I hardly go back to memories

B. Only on special occasions

C. I do that always to keep the memories fresh

6. Do you come up with reasons to always see him?

A. I can’t go a day without seeing him

B. Only if it’s important

C. I’m always busy with other things

7. Do random things remind you of him?

A. Everything I see reminds me of him

B. Only the things we have a history with

C. Nothing ever reminds me of him

8. How often do you check his social media pages?

A. I check multiple times a day if he has posted anything

B. I only check his social media once in a while

C. I never check his social media

9. How often do you ask for his opinion on things?

A. I always want to know what he thinks about something

B. I only ask for his opinion if it affects him

C. I never ask for his opinion on any issue

10. Do you remember all your relationship milestones?

A. I never miss any important date in our relationship

B. I sometimes forget about important dates

C. I always forget our special days

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