How Much Do I Like Him Quiz Editorial Team
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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 9631 | Updated: Nov 19, 2024
How Much Do I Like Him Quiz

A relationship can be challenging and scary sometimes, especially when you’re having trouble figuring out your own feelings.

If you’re confused about how you feel about him or how much you like him, take this quick "How much do I like him?" quiz to help you figure it out.

It could be pretty interesting and might even surprise you!

Questions Excerpt

1. How do you feel when he compliments you?

A. I feel on top of the world!

B. I appreciate it, but it doesn't affect me much

C. I don't really care about his compliments

2. Do you feel a strong urge to make him happy?

A. Yes, I always want to see him happy

B. I do care about his happiness, but not strongly

C. No, I do not feel much of a desire to make him happy

3. Do you notice little details about him?

A. Yes, I notice everything about him

B. I notice some things, but not everything

C. I rarely pay attention to small details

4. How do you feel when he talks to other people?

A. I feel a little protective, but trust him

B. I feel slightly indifferent but still notice it

C. I do not care at all

5. Do you go out of your way to spend time with him?

A. Yes, I make time for him no matter what

B. Sometimes, if it is convenient

C. No, I do not go out of my way

6. Do you find yourself smiling when you think about him?

A. Yes, it happens all the time

B. Yes, but only occasionally

C. No, I do not think about him much

7. How do you feel when he's upset or sad?

A. I feel deeply concerned and want to comfort him

B. I care about his feelings, but it doesn't affect me much

C. I don't feel too bothered by his emotions

8. Do you feel excited to introduce him to your friends and family?

A. Yes, I can't wait to show him off

B. I'm a little nervous but excited about it

C. I don't really want to introduce him to anyone close

9. How often do you initiate contact with him?

A. I reach out to him frequently

B. I reach out occasionally

C. I rarely or never initiate contact

10. Do you get jealous when he spends time with others?

A. Yes, it bothers me sometimes

B. I feel a little jealous, but it's not a big deal

C. No, I don't get jealous at all

11. Do you think about him when he’s not around?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No, never

12. Do you see yourself being in a long-time relationship with him?

A. I can see it as clear as day

B. I can somewhat see it

C. No, I don’t really see us staying together for long

13. Do you find yourself sharing personal stuff with him?

A. Yes, I feel very safe

B. I like sharing some things with him

C. No, I’m not really comfortable sharing stuff with him

14. Do you enjoy being intimate with him?

A. Yes

B. Not sure

C. No

15. Do you feel like he appreciates you?

A. Yes, I’m sure of it

B. I’m not sure

C. No, I don’t think he does

16. Do you feel comfortable around him?

A. I feel right at home with him

B. I’m somewhat comfortable around him

C. I’m not really comfortable around him

17. Do you find yourself getting excited before meeting him?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No, never

18. Have you daydreamed about a future with him?

A. Yes, multiple times

B. Yes, a few times

C. No, never

19. Does he make you feel good about yourself?

A. Yes

B. Not sure

C. No

20. Do you feel so much more happy when you’re around him?

A. Yes, I feel over the moon

B. Yes, I feel happier sometimes

C. No, I don’t feel any different

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