How Many Relationship Red Flags Do You Have Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 121 | Updated: Sep 05, 2022
 How Many Relationship Red Flags Do You Have Quiz?

In relationships, we must make it a point to work on ourselves, especially those weaknesses that metamorphose into huge red flags in our relationships and can cause us to lose a very loving relationship or cause problems in our marriages. We need not overlook negative traits like dishonesty, narcissism, and aggressive behavior. Sometimes, we take some of these traits very lightly. Have you observed you have a number of these relationship red flags? How many relationship red flags do you have? Let's help you find out with this quiz.

Questions Excerpt

1. Is your partner enduring any form of abuse in your relationship?

A. Yes, emotional

B. Yes, physical abuse

C. No abuse at all

2. How will you describe your relationship status?

A. Dating

B. Married

C. Separated

3. Are you being truthful in your relationship?

A. Not at all

B. Not really

C. Yes

4. How often does your partner complain about your red flags?

A. Very often

B. Just a few times

C. No complaints at all

5. Are you willing to work on your red flags?

A. May be

B. It depends

C. Absolutely

6. Has your partner threatened to end your relationship?

A. Yes

B. A few times

C. Never

7. Will you describe your relationship as stressful?

A. Yes

B. Not really

C. Not at all

8. How often do you argue?

A. Very often

B. Just a few times

C. Once in a while

9. What is the red flag your partner always complains about?

A. Anger issues

B. Trust issues

C. Dishonesty

10. Do you think your relationship has a future?

A. I think so

B. Maybe

C. Absolutely

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