How Intimidating Are You Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 1077 | Updated: May 07, 2024
How Intimidating Are You Quiz

It's said that people might not recall exactly what you said or did, but they'll always remember how you made them feel. Ever wonder about the vibe you're sending out? Is it one of joy and peace, or do others find you a bit daunting without really knowing why? If you've heard remarks about the kind of energy you project and are curious about how intimidating you might appear to others, this quiz is for you. Dive into our "How intimidating are you?" quiz to explore the aura you radiate!

Questions Excerpt

1. What’s your immediate reaction when someone (a stranger) smiles at you in public?

A. I cringe most of the time or wear a straight face

B. My reaction is mostly based on my mood

C. A wide grin

2. Someone cracks a “dry” joke in your presence. What do you do?

A. Stay indifferent

B. I let them know how bad of a joke

C. Fake a hysterical laugh

3. During a friendly debate, I will instead:

A. Impose my opinions and make sure I have my way

B. Give valid points. If I lose, so be it

C. Try to accommodate opinions and not sound overbearing

4. How do people act in your presence?

A. I feel they are a little uptight

B. A mix of freedom and caution

C. Very loosen up

5. I am the kind of person who will:

A. Fight till my last blood for something that means so much to me

B. Will not move a muscle on irrelevant stuff

C. Try to make peace everywhere

6. How do people take your words?

A. Very seriously

B. With a pinch of salt

C. Sometimes, not very seriously

7. My best comeback at a tease will be:

A. Respond with a meaner tease

B. Match it perfectly

C. Make a joke out of it

8. Do you enjoy the fact that people are scared of you?

A. Yes, it makes me feel powerful

B. I mean, if you’re on my bad side, I will so like it

C. No, I want to be the candy person

9. How do you deal with irrelevant information?

A. Shut it out immediately

B. Treat it as irrelevant

C. Embrace it, there might be some useful underlying information

10. How do you describe your sense of fashion?

A. Very sophisticated

B. On a normal

C. I am not going to lie, tacky at times

11. When giving feedback, how do you usually phrase it?

A. Directly, without sugar-coating.

B. I try to balance the good and the bad.

C. Always with a positive spin, even if it's not all good.

12. How do you react to being interrupted while speaking?

A. I call it out immediately and demand respect.

B. I'm annoyed, but I let it slide unless it keeps happening.

C. I usually don't mind and let others have their say.

13. At parties or gatherings, where are you usually found?

A. Observing from a distance or in deep conversation.

B. Mingling, but I have my limits.

C. In the middle of the fun, making sure everyone's having a good time.

14. What's your approach to solving conflicts among friends?

A. I often take charge and make the final call.

B. I offer advice but let them work it out themselves.

C. I'm the mediator, ensuring all sides are heard and peace is made.

15. How do you feel about showing vulnerability?

A. I see it as a sign of weakness.

B. It's hard, but I'm learning it's sometimes necessary.

C. I'm an open book; it's how we connect deeply with others.

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