Have You Actually Moved On Quiz

Keli Stalder
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 6982 | Updated: Jul 24, 2024
Have You Actually Moved On Quiz

It’s not like getting over someone is a bad thing, right? It’s healthy to move on and get closure after a breakup. But there’s a difference between closure and getting over someone. Sometimes, we must move on and get closure because we never get over certain people. It’s healthy to move on and get closure after a breakup. But there’s a difference between closure and getting over someone. Are you ready for someone new in your life? Take this ''Have You Actually Moved On'' quiz and find out. Are you still pining over your ex, wanting to get back together, and dreaming of the day he (or she) calls and asks you to make a go of it?

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you think about them frequently?

A. All the time

B. Never

C. Just sometimes, but not as much as before

2. If you hear a romantic song, does it stir up nostalgia for the good times with them?

A. Oh, this is like a hole in my heart, and the songs remind me how much I miss

B. It used to be like this, not anymore

C. Just sometimes

3. How long has it been since you last saw that person?

A. More than 6 months

B. Less than a week

C. Less than 6 months

4. Do they ever initiate contact with you?

A. Yes, and it bugs me

B. Sometimes

C. No

5. Do you think of them?

A. Yes, and it’s so bad

B. No, not anymore

C. Just sometimes

6. Do you ever cry about them anymore?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Only sometimes, now it’s gotten better

C. No, I don’t

7. Do you find yourself trying not to think about them?

A. All the time

B. Sometimes

C. No

8. Before you fall asleep at night, are they on your mind?

A. No, they are not

B. Just sometimes

C. Yes. It's so hard not to have them there, next to me

9. If your ex was right in front of you, wanting to get back together with you, what would you do?

A. I'd cry

B. I'd be confused

C. I don't know how I'd react

10. Who dumped who?

A. I dumped them

B. They dumped me

C. It was mutual

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