Is My Boyfriend Better Than My Ex-Husband Quiz? Editorial Team
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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 892 | Updated: Sep 12, 2024
Is My Boyfriend Better Than My Ex-Husband Quiz?

Do you ever compare your current partner with your ex-husband? Do you ever think about who is better for you and is more capable of keeping you happy? This quiz focuses on some qualities women like to see in a man, such as good listening skills and helping with children.

If you're wondering, 'Is my boyfriend better than my ex-husband?', take the quiz to know if that is the case.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you think he loves you for your personality or is it just for the looks?

A. Personality

B. Both looks and personality

C. Mostly looks, but personality also

D. Just looks. That’s what he notices in me

2. Does he make an effort to resolve conflicts and move forward?

A. Yes, he’s proactive in finding solutions

B. Most of the time, he tries to fix things

C. He avoids it unless I push the issue

D. He tends to ignore problems or hold grudges

3. How does he act when you spend time with your friends?

A. He encourages me and is happy for me

B. He’s okay with it but prefers we spend more time together

C. He seems a bit jealous or insecure

D. He gets upset or tries to control my time

4. How does he respond when you’re feeling down?

A. He’s there to comfort and cheer me up

B. He tries his best to make me feel better

C. He notices but doesn’t do much about it

D. He seems indifferent or distant

5. Does he support your personal goals and dreams?

A. Always, he’s my biggest cheerleader

B. Mostly, but with some reservations

C. Sometimes, but not consistently

D. Not really, he doesn’t seem interested

6. How does he handle disagreements between you two?

A. He listens and tries to understand my perspective

B. He discusses it calmly most of the time

C. He brushes it off or changes the subject

D. He gets defensive or avoids the conversation

7. Does he acknowledge your contribution to his life?

A. Yes, very much

B. Sometimes

C. Only when I ask him to

D. I don’t think I play any role in his life

8. Does he make you feel good about yourself and your life?

A. Yes, I feel lucky

B. Mostly

C. Not really

D. Haven’t felt that way so far

9. How often do you argue?

A. Rarely

B. Once a week maybe

C. Every other day

D. Every day

10. Has he introduced you to his family and friends?

A. Yes, all of them

B. Some of them

C. They know about me but haven’t met yet

D. No

11. Does he help with housework?

A. Always

B. Often

C. Sometimes

D. Never

12. Does he listen to you when you’re speaking?

A. Every time

B. Most of the times

C. Sometimes

D. Rarely

13. Do you still go out on dates?

A. Every week

B. Once a month

C. Several times a year

D. Never

14. How often do you two hold hands?

A. All the time

B. Occasionally

C. Rarely

D. I can't even remember the last time

15. You go out together and you spill some red wine on your new dress. What does he do?

A. He rushes to help you

B. He laughs at it

C. He seems to be bothered

D. He blames you for not paying attention

16. Does he ever cook for you?

A. Very often

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. Never

17. Does he notice when you had a bad day?

A. Always, and he is very supportive

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. Never

18. What is his answer when you ask for a back rub?

A. “Sure! I’d love to do it.”

B. “Okay, if you need me to…”

C. “Can I do it later?”

D. “Do I really have to?”

19. Does he have the patience to help you with shopping?

A. Yes, he even helps me to pick items to try

B. Yes, although I know he gets bored sometimes

C. Not really

D. Not at all

20. Does he know how to say he is sorry?

A. Yes, he does it every time

B. Yes, although he doesn't like admitting he is wrong

C. Not really, he does it because I ask him to

D. No, he almost never apologizes

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