Does She Like Me Quiz? Editorial Team
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16 Questions | Total Attempts: 2615 | Updated: Aug 12, 2022
 Does She Like Me Quiz?

It can be nerve-wracking for someone in love with a woman to really know if she likes them or not.

So do you think this particular girl you have your eye on likes you? If yes, take our ‘Does she like me quiz’ and find out once and for all.

Questions Excerpt

1. Does she look at you all the time?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, but who doesn’t?

D. No, you haven't noticed any girl looking at you with insistence

2. Does she offer to help even though you haven’t asked?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Sometimes

C. It’s confusing because several girls have offered the same thing repeatedly

D. No, never

3. Does she offer to bring you food at home when you are sick?

A. Yes, she has done so several times

B. No, but she definitely calls to check on you

C. No, never

D. It’s possible that her plate got mixed with several others from friends, neighbors and coworkers

4. Has she ever criticized someone you were dating very negatively?

A. Yes

B. No

C. A few times

D. You can’t say because it has never happened in front of you

5. Has she ever proposed to come help you move out or even decorate your home?

A. Yes

B. No

C. She probably wants to but is too shy to say so

D. You don't know

6. Has she ever acted disappointed every time she saw you with another woman?

A. Yes, several times

B. Yes, a few times

C. You’ve got no idea

D. No, never

7. Does she touch your hand casually?

A. Yes, all the time and it feels good

B. She holds your hand but you don’t find it weird at all

C. Sometimes

D. No, never

8. Does she blush when you look at her in the eyes?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

D. Not really

9. Does she enjoy giving you advice about life in general?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Sometimes

C. Not really

D. Not at all

10. Do you find her a little too enthusiastic around you?

A. Yes, absolutely

B. Not really

C. She probably is, but you can’t really tell

D. Not at all

11. Are you both friends?

A. Yes

B. Yes, very close friends

C. I think so

D. No

12. Does she play with her hair around you?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. She starts to, but then stops

D. No

13. Do you see her a lot unexpectedly?

A. Yes

B. A few times

C. Sometimes

D. No

14. Do you see her a lot unexpectedly?

A. Yes

B. A few times

C. She looks at me when I look at her

D. No

15. Do you see her a lot unexpectedly?

A. Yes

B. A few times

C. Sometimes

D. No

16. Has she ever initiated a plan with you?

A. Yes

B. A few times

C. No, but she always says yes when I do

D. No

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