Does She Have Feelings For Me Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 489 | Updated: Dec 05, 2022
 Does She Have Feelings for Me Quiz?

How do you know whether a girl likes you or not? As a boy, it’s difficult sometimes to know whether she likes you or not as women are naturally not inclined to make proposals. It could be rather confusing and frustrating deciphering mixed signals or genuine intentions of likeness as you don’t want to waste your time or be slow at proposing. To fully grasp the knowledge that she likes you, take this ‘ does she have feelings for me quiz’.

Questions Excerpt

1. Has she brazenly confessed that she has feelings for you?

A. Yes, she’s said it several times

B. It’s pretty confusing as I’m not sure how they feel about me

C. No, she’s made it clear with her actions

2. Does she enquire about your personal life?

A. Yes she does ask about my parents and career

B. Sometimes she does

C. No, she hasn’t

3. Are you acquainted with her friends?

A. Yes, she introduced me

B. I know them by chance

C. No, I am not

4. In all honesty, do you think she’s got romantic feelings for you?

A. Yes, I’m definitely sure

B. I don’t know

C. Probably not

5. How quickly does she get back to you after you reach out?

A. She texts or call back really fast

B. It takes a couple of hours

C. She barely gets back

6. How sure are you that she’s looking for a relationship?

A. I’m very certain she’s

B. We have yet to discuss anything regarding relationships

C. She’s reluctant to be in one

7. How often does she gift you items?

A. Twice or thrice a week

B. She occasionally does that

C. I’ve never been gifted anything by her

8. Would she get jealous if you were found talking to another girl?

A. Yes, I don’t think she’ll want that

B. I don’t know

C. I doubt she will

9. If she calls for a rain check, does she make it up?

A. Yes, definitely

B. Maybe

C. No

10. On a scale of 10, how easily does the conversation flow with her?

A. We can talk for hours unending

B. Our conversations are usually brief

C. I think our conversations feel forced

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