Does My Mom Hate Me Quiz

Imani Bowman
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Imani Bowman, LPC
Imani Bowman
Licensed Professional Counselor
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Imani enjoys working with children, families, and individuals. She is especially passionate about working with pre-teens, teenagers, and young adults as they transition through... Read More

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 2435 | Updated: May 20, 2024
Does My Mom Hate Me quiz

Let's take a moment to reflect. When was the last time you had a conversation with your mom? Was it recently, a few days ago, or perhaps longer? Have there been times when you've wondered about your mother's feelings toward you? Do you worry that she might be upset with you, indifferent, or that things might never improve? If these thoughts resonate with you, consider trying this 'Does My Mom Hate Me' quiz to find out more. 

Questions Excerpt

1. How much support do you get from your mom?

A. A lot, but I instead do things alone.

B. None; she thinks I am not worth it.

C. Only helps me financially.

2. Does your mother treat you disrespectfully when you make decisions about your own life?

A. No, she’s quite respectful that I grew up on my own.

B. Yes, but I think she tries to protect me deep down.

C. Yes, it’s so frustrating.

3. How much quality time do you spend with your mom?

A. All the time, we’re so close.

B. Rarely.

C. Never.

4. Why do you and your mom argue so often?

A. She calls me every 20 minutes on the dot.

B. She can't stop asking for updates about my life.

C. She drinks too much and becomes aggressive.

5. Does your mother insult you?

A. Yes.

B. Sometimes.

C. Never.

6. Would your mother reject you as a son or daughter?

A. Yes.

B. Sometimes.

C. No.

7. Does your mother try to promote a fun atmosphere in the home most of the time?

A. Fun atmosphere? I don’t think so!

B. Just sometimes.

C. Yes, she tries her best!

8. You're planning to introduce your new partner to your mother. What will happen when she meets them?

A. She'll welcome them, but later, she'll tell you her honest thoughts about your partner.

B. She enumerates her criticisms of your partner after the meeting, using them as examples to convince your father that you need to date someone else.

C. She'll act like a strict parent for no reason.

9. Have you ever found your mother tapping into your social media accounts to see whom you were "talking" to?

A. She has never admitted it, but I know she has.

B. Maybe sometimes, but I'm unsure.

C. I don't think she doesn't care.

10. Do you think that she is fair enough?

A. Sometimes, yeah.

B. Not a little bit.

C. Yes, she is a very fair mum, but sometimes she overdoes it.

11. How often does your mom acknowledge your achievements?

A. Regularly, though, she sometimes goes overboard with praise.

B. Seldom, it feels like she doesn't see my efforts.

C. Mainly when it's related to academic or career success.

12. How does your mother respond when you share your problems with her?

A. She listens but often tries to solve them for me.

B. It seems like she's not genuinely interested or dismissive.

C. She offers advice, though it sometimes feels like she's not really listening.

13. How does your mother react to changes in your personal style or interests?

A. She's overly concerned about what others might think.

B. She hardly notices or comments negatively.

C. She shows interest but is cautious about my choices.

14. When you talk about your future plans, how does your mother react?

A. She's supportive but tends to push her own ideas too much.

B. She seems indifferent or critical without offering constructive feedback.

C. She listens and provides her thoughts but respects my decisions.

15. How does your mother express affection or love toward you?

A. She's very expressive, sometimes to the point of smothering.

B. Rarely or in ways that feel insincere.

C. She shows affection through actions more than words, though it might feel insufficient at times.

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