Does He Want To Get Back Together: Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 372 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Does He Want to Get Back Together: Quiz
If you're trying to get over your ex, and he's never far from your thoughts, you may be asking yourself if he'll always have a hold on you. You may also be wondering whether you two are really meant to be together. If you’re tired of wondering what he’s thinking or if he still fancies you, this list of questions will diagnose his true intentions toward you. This is the quickest way to find out if he still has feelings for you. The ''does he want to get back together'' quiz is only a few minutes long!

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you and your ex have any contact with each other?

A. No.

B. Just on social media.

C. Some days we meet.

2. Do you start most conversations, or does your ex?

A. He does.

B. I do.

C. We blocked each other.

3. If you run into him, what does he do?

A. Acts cold.

B. Acts mildly embarrassed.

C. Not sure, maybe pleased?

4. Have you seen him showing interest in others on social platforms?

A. Unfortunately, yes.

B. I can't tell since he's blocked me on social media.

C. Nope, at least I did not see yet.

5. What kind of relationship did you have?

A. Supportive.

B. Manipulative.

C. There were a lot of ups and downs.

6. Do you think he still uses stuff that belongs to you?

A. Yes!

B. Not sure.

C. Sent back all my belongings to me.

7. He was your …?

A. Fiance/husband.

B. Boyfriend/Flirt

C. Hookup buddy/ crush

8. Why did you break up?

A. He cheated on me.

B. I cheated on him.

C. Different reasons.

9. Was it a mutual decision?

A. Yes.

B. No, he dumped me.

C. No, I dumped him.

10. Is he still angry with you?

A. I guess there is no anger between us.

B. What? He has no right to be angry with me!

C. No, I'm just secretly angry at him.

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