Does He Secretly Like Me Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 6240 | Updated: Oct 20, 2024
Does He Secretly Like Me Quiz

Are you crushing on someone and constantly wondering, "Does he secretly like me too?"

It's natural to feel unsure, especially when you're faced with mixed signals. Maybe he's been giving you small hints, or perhaps his behavior leaves you confused about where he stands.

Trying to decipher someone's true feelings can be tricky—especially when emotions are involved. If you're tired of second-guessing and want some clarity, this "Does he secretly like me"? quiz can help you explore whether your crush feels the same way.

Ready to find out if there's more to his actions than meets the eye?

Dive in and discover if the connection is mutual!

Questions Excerpt

1. Is he constantly making eye contact with you?

A. Very often. He checks me out when I am around him.

B. Sometimes

C. Never

2. Do you text each other often?

A. Very often

B. Sometimes

C. Never

3. Does he seem to find ways to touch you often?

A. Very often

B. Sometimes

C. Never

4. Does he laugh at your cringy jokes?

A. Very often

B. Sometimes

C. Never

5. Does he seem to smile a lot when around you?

A. Very often

B. Sometimes

C. Never

6. Do you sense jealousy in him when you talk to other people?

A. Very often

B. Sometimes

C. Never

7. Has he ever tried to make plans with you?

A. Very often

B. Sometimes

C. Never

8. Did he give you a cute nickname?

A. Very often

B. Sometimes

C. Never

9. Is he open to talking about his personal problems with you?

A. Very often

B. Sometimes

C. Never

10. Does he actively engage (like and comment) on your social media posts?

A. Very often

B. Sometimes

C. Never

11. Does he make an effort to be near you in group settings?

A. Very often

B. Sometimes

C. Never

12. Has he complimented you on your appearance or personality?

A. Very often

B. Sometimes

C. Never

13. Does he seem protective or concerned about your well-being?

A. Very often

B. Sometimes

C. Never

14. Does he tease you in a playful, flirty way?

A. Very often

B. Sometimes

C. Never

15. Does he remember the small details you share with him (like your favorite things or what you've been up to)?

A. Very often

B. Sometimes

C. Never

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