Does He Need Space Or Is It Over Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 526 | Updated: Mar 08, 2022
Does He Need Space or Is It Over Quiz
Are you confused about your partner? He’s putting up attitudes and walls that give you mixed signals. Is he over with you, or he just needs space? You can’t seem to put the finger on what he wants. One time, he’s caring; the other time, he’s dead cold. You find yourself asking, ‘Does he need space or it’s over?’ Take this quiz to find out!

Questions Excerpt

1. Does he still talk to you like before?

A. Not really, but we keep in touch

B. No, he barely sees me

C. Yes, he tries his best

2. Do you still make plans with your relationship?

A. Well, once in a while

B. No, not once do we speak about our relationship

C. Yes, very often

3. How often do you hear from him in a day?

A. Just about twice

B. Never, sometimes I don’t hear from him in weeks

C. A lot, actually

4. Does your partner apologize and try to make it up to you for missing an important meeting?

A. Sometimes

B. No

C. Yes, all the time

5. Does he give you excuses when you want to meet?

A. Yes, but genuine ones, and I understand

B. Yes, flimsy ones

C. No

6. Does he talk about you to his friends?

A. We have a handful of mutual friends

B. No, I don’t know any of his friends

C. Yes, a lot actually

7. Does he try to make things complicated and start an argument?

A. No, just occasionally when we argue

B. Yes, all the time

C. No, very scare arguments

8. Do you feel he does things to make you back off?

A. No, he always apologizes when he’s rude

B. Yes, anytime we talk to tries to hurt my feelings

C. No, not at all

9. Do you ever agree on one thing?

A. Yes, a couple of times

B. No, we are always on opposite ends

C. Yes, we have a lot of similarities

10. Do you feel there’s any future for the relationship?

A. Well, we’re still talking about it

B. No, it’s a bleak future

C. Yes, a bright future

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