Quiz For Teens: Does He Like Me?

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 1802 | Updated: Jun 12, 2023
Quiz for Teens: Does He Like Me?

Relationships are significant for the teenage years as you enter a new phase of your life where you get to explore your bodies and emotions for the first time. These early relationships can have a profound impact on your self-esteem. In other words, being in love as a teen is a serious business.

So, as a teenager, do you think he likes you? Take our 'Does he like me' quiz and find out now.

Questions Excerpt

1. Does he look at you with envy?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Probably

D. I don't know

2. Does he smile at you for no reason, most of the time?

A. Yes

B. Not really

C. Sometimes

D. Not yet

3. Do you know if he says nice things about you behind your back?

A. Yes

B. No

C. I don't know

D. Maybe

4. Has he ever asked you out on a date?

A. Yes

B. Not yet

C. I am waiting for him to do so

D. No, and I'm not sure he is ready to ask

5. Has he ever offered to buy you some snacks or beverage?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

D. Not yet

6. Has he tried to have you invite him over to your place?

A. Yes, at least once

B. Several times

C. No, never

D. Not yet

7. Has he ever volunteered to help you with your homework?

A. Yes, many times

B. A few times

C. Not yet

D. No, never

8. Has he ever tried to protect you from potential bullies?

A. Yes, many times

B. A few times

C. Not really

D. Not yet

9. Has he ever admitted to liking you?

A. No

B. Yes

C. Maybe

D. I'm not sure because I probably haven’t paid attention

10. Do you suspect him of being too shy to tell you the truth about his feelings for you?

A. Yes

B. No

C. I don't know

D. I'm not sure

11. Do you find him staring at you constantly?

A. Yes, I do

B. Yes, multiple times

C. Yes a few times

D. Not really

12. Does he end up complimenting you?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Yes, a few times

C. Yes, in subtle ways

D. Not really

13. Does he become cold when he sees you talking to other people?

A. Yes, he does

B. Yes, at times

C. Yes, on a rare occasions

D. Not really

14. Does he remember and recall minor details about you?

A. Yes, he does

B. Yes, at times

C. Yes, on a rare occasions

D. Not really

15. Does he try to find ways to talk to you alone?

A. Yes, he does

B. Yes, at times

C. Yes, on a rare occasions

D. Not really

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