Does He Like Me Or Just Wants Sex Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 8443 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Does He Like Me or Just Wants Sex Quiz
Sex is one of the most powerful expressions of love. Whether the relationship is short-lived or long-lasting, a sexual encounter will have its after-effects on your mental health, ranging from euphoria to despair. It can often leave you wondering, “does he like me or just wants sex.” Sex creates a momentary physical connection between people. But we know relationships need other emotions as well for a balanced and memorable experience. If you are with someone who wants only sex out of their relationships, it is time for you to re-think your needs and wants. This quiz will help you figure out whether someone just wants sex from you or is he really into you.

Questions Excerpt

1. Has he ever asked for nudes?

A. Yes, persistently.

B. No, he hasn’t.

C. Yes, once, but I refused.

D. Yes, a few times.

2. How does he express himself in bed?

A. He skips the foreplay everytime.

B. He has specific oral needs in bed but is mindful of my needs too.

C. He waits for my orgasm.

D. He is fun but lacks respect for my orgasm

3. How do you feel when you have sex with them?

A. I wish they were a little tender.

B. I feel that he feels victorious everytime we have sex.

C. I feel euphoric and refreshed.

D. I feel a confusing mix of good and bad feelings.

4. Do you spend time after sex?

A. Yes, we do.

B. Sometimes, if he has no prior engagements.

C. He does not even cuddle. He leaves right after.

D. Only if I ask.

5. Does he talk about his crushes?

A. Yes, he does, but so do I.

B. Not really.

C. He is quite secretive.

D. Yes, but I feel uncomfortable.

6. Do you like watching movies or series together?

A. Movies, sometimes, but no series yet.

B. On some rare occasions, but it is usually followed by sex.

C. No, we haven’t done that together.

D. Absolutely. It is not always about sex with us.

7. What are your dates usually like?

A. Eat, sex, leave, repeat.

B. Dinner, chat, sex, cuddle and breakfast the morning after.

C. He follows a pattern but stays if I ask.

D. He is only fun in bed.

8. Has he asked you to go down on him?

A. Yes, in an insistent manner.

B. No, he hasn't asked.

C. No, but he has talked about it.

D. Yes, he doesn’t like it otherwise.

9. Do you enjoy talking to him?

A. Yes, I love it.

B. We don’t talk.

C. Yes, he is a sweet talker.

D. Sometimes, not always.

10. Do you see him in your future?

A. Frankly, I don’t.

B. Yes, I do.

C. Yes, sometimes.

D. I’m not sure I do.

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