Do You Kiss And Tell Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Updated: Mar 11, 2022
 Do You Kiss and Tell Quiz?
The phrase "kiss and tell" refers to the type of gossip in which one person tells another person details about intimate and sexual encounters about another person, or commonly the details about the person who is kissing and telling. This can be insensitive, depending on who's details they belong to. Kissing and telling can also hurt relationships, as telling intimate details of one's sexual encounters is unhealthy. Are you the one to kiss and tell? Take this quiz to find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. Are you a loyal person?

A. Not at all

B. Somewhat

C. Of course

2. Do you respect the privacy of others?

A. Not really

B. It depends

C. Yes

3. Do you have self worth?

A. Not really

B. Sometimes

C. Absolutely

4. Are you a confident person?

A. No

B. Sometimes

C. Yes

5. Do you keep secrets and sensitive information to yourself?

A. No

B. It depends

C. Yes

6. Do you have the "I must flaunt it" attitude?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Not at all

7. Do you find yourself wanting attention a lot?

A. Yes

B. At times

C. Not at all

8. Is respect for others important?

A. Not really

B. Only if it's deserved

C. Of course

9. How do you feel when someone tells you a secret?

A. I want to give that secret away

B. I may give it away depending on what it is

C. I keep it because they want me to

10. Is kissing and telling rude?

A. No

B. Maybe

C. Yes

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