Do I Want Kids Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 16413 | Updated: Mar 20, 2025
Do I Want Kids Quiz

Have you ever found yourself wondering, Do I really want kids? Parenthood is a life-changing decision, and it’s natural to feel uncertain. Whether you're unsure, leaning one way, or just curious, this quiz will help you explore your thoughts and feelings about having children. There’s no right or wrong answer—just an opportunity to reflect on what truly feels right for you.

Questions Excerpt

1. How do you feel when you see children playing in a park?

A. It warms my heart, and I can imagine having my own

B. I feel indifferent or slightly curious

C. I prefer to keep my distance and enjoy my peace

2. Do you enjoy spending time with your nieces, nephews, or friends' children?

A. Yes, I love it and often volunteer to babysit

B. Sometimes, but I prefer limited time

C. Not really, I find it overwhelming

3. How do you envision your future in ten years?

A. With children being a significant part of my life

B. I'm not sure if kids are part of the picture

C. Focused on personal goals, travel, or career, not children

4. How do you react to the sound of a baby crying in public?

A. I feel empathetic and want to help

B. It depends on my mood—sometimes I don't mind, other times it can be irritating

C. I find it quite distressing and prefer to stay away

5. Do you think about names for your future children?

A. Yes, I have a list of favorite names

B. Occasionally, but it's not a priority

C. No, I've never really thought about it

6. How do you feel about altering your lifestyle for a child?

A. I'm ready and willing to make the necessary changes

B. I'm unsure if I'm ready for such changes

C. I prefer to maintain my current lifestyle

7. What's your stance on financial planning for children?

A. I've started saving or planning financially for a future with kids

B. I haven't thought much about it yet

C. I'd rather invest my finances elsewhere

8. How do you feel about the responsibility of raising a child?

A. Excited and ready to take on the challenge

B. Unsure, it seems like a huge responsibility

C. More inclined towards personal freedom and less responsibility

9. How important is leaving a legacy or lineage to you?

A. I feel a strong connection to the idea of passing something on, including possibly through children

B. I'm not sure how I feel about this

C. It's not a priority for me

10. Do you feel a sense of fulfillment or purpose when you think about parenting?

A. Yes, it feels like a significant part of my purpose

B. Sometimes, but I'm also fulfilled in other ways

C. I find fulfillment in other aspects of life

11. How do you feel when you see parents interacting with their kids?

A. I admire them and imagine myself in their place one day

B. I find it interesting but don’t know if I’d want that for myself

C. I think it looks exhausting, and I don’t see myself in that role

12. How do you feel about the idea of sleepless nights with a newborn?

A. I see it as a temporary challenge that’s worth it

B. It sounds tough, and I’m not sure how I’d handle it

C. That sounds like a nightmare—I need my sleep!

13. If a friend asked you to babysit for a weekend, how would you respond?

A. I’d happily do it and look forward to the experience

B. I might agree but would feel a bit nervous about it

C. I’d probably decline—I wouldn’t enjoy that responsibility

14. How do you feel about parenting advice and books?

A. I find them fascinating and love learning about parenting

B. I’ve skimmed through a few but haven’t given it much thought

C. I have no interest in reading about parenting

15. What’s your ideal weekend?

A. Spending time with family, maybe doing activities with kids

B. A mix of social time and personal relaxation

C. Doing whatever I want, with no obligations to others

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