Do I Have Male Postpartum Depression Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 117 | Updated: Jun 14, 2022
Do I Have Male Postpartum Depression Quiz

Although typically associated with women and pregnancy, postpartum depression can also affect fathers-to-be or new dads. New parents can experience anxiety and feel overwhelmed once the new bundle has arrived. Unlike women, men can experience physical symptoms (headaches, stomachaches, etc.) that manifest as postpartum symptoms. If you want to see if you may have male postpartum depression, take our quiz “Do I have male postpartum depression” and find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you enjoy spending time with your baby?

A. Yes, I enjoy being around my new child

B. No, I have minimal interest

C. I have to step away and take breaks

2. Do you feel down and hopeless and have little interest in things?

A. Extremely down and hopeless

B. I feel happy and have an interest in things

C. Sometimes

3. Do you have the energy to complete household tasks?

A. Half of the time

B. Not really

C. Yes, I have a lot of energy

4. Do you feel guilty but are unsure why?

A. Yes, I feel constantly guilty

B. No, I have no feelings of guilt

C. Occasionally, I do feel guilty

5. Do you enjoy spending time with friends and family?

A. Yes, I see them as often as I can

B. No, I don’t feel like being around loved ones

C. I will spend time with them periodically

6. Do you have a hard time getting motivated?

A. I am very lethargic

B. I am very motivated to get things done

C. My motivation varies

7. Do you have scary thoughts about hurting yourself or your child?

A. I have thought about them

B. I have not had those thoughts

C. I have them sometimes, but they are dismissed easily

8. Yes, I have a lot of hope for the future

A. Yes, I have a lot of hope for the future

B. No, I focus purely on the present

C. I make a few future plans

9. Do you feel like you are bonding with your baby?

A. Unfortunately, I am not bonding well with my child

B. Yes, I feel very close to my baby

C. I feel close, but at times, I don’t feel connected

10. Are you excited about your new family?

A. No, I just want to be alone

B. From time to time, I am excited

C. Yes, I can’t wait to see what happens in the future

11. Do you enjoy the things you once did?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

12. Do you have sleep problems?

A. No

B. I am not sleeping as well as I used to

C. Yes

13. Do you have difficulty concentrating?

A. No

B. Sometimes

C. Yes

14. Do you get anxious easily?

A. No

B. Sometimes

C. Yes

15. Do you feel like you are living your life in slow motion?

A. No

B. Sometimes

C. Yes

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