Check Healthy Boundaries In Your Life Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 202 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Check Healthy Boundaries in Your Life Quiz
Healthy boundaries are important because it helps you stay connected to your limits as much as it helps you practice self-awareness, being direct, seeking support, and sometimes giving yourself permission. It’s almost like self-discipline but this time it’s more towards facing your uncertainty and following a safe path instead of really achieving any goal. It is a great strategy if you have insecurities but want to move forward in your life. So, what do you think should be your healthy boundaries? Take our quiz and find out now.

Questions Excerpt

1. How many times do you need to change your routine during the year?

A. Several times

B. A few times

C. Only once

D. Never

2. What is the biggest thing that scares you the most?

A. Poverty

B. Filth

C. Unfaithfulness

D. Being lonely

3. Are you able to reach goals?

A. Yes

B. Most of the time

C. Sometimes

D. No

4. Type question here

A. Yes, of course.

B. Yes, but only when you need to be serious

C. No

D. Not really

5. Do your healthy boundaries help you meet more people?

A. Yes

B. All the time

C. Sometimes

D. No

6. Do your healthy boundaries help you become more mature?

A. Yes

B. Of course

C. Possibly

D. No

7. Do your healthy boundaries help you become more self-disciplined?

A. Yes

B. Always

C. Sometimes

D. Only when you need to

8. Do your boundaries keep you away from people?

A. Yes

B. No

C. It depends on what you have to do

D. Yes, because your goals are different

9. Do your boundaries keep you away from trouble

A. Yes

B. Of course

C. No

D. You can say that

10. Do your healthy boundaries turn you into a better person?

A. Yes

B. Yes, that's the purpose right?

C. Yes, you have grown since

D. No, because you are still the same

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