Catholic Marriage Preparation Quiz: Are You Ready For It? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 1057 | Updated: Jun 12, 2024
Catholic Marriage Preparation Quiz: Are You Ready for It?

A good Catholic married person is someone who reflects on the sanctity of marriage and has taken time to prepare for marriage. They have considered what it means to be in a marriage, and they are ready to commit themselves wholeheartedly to the vocation of marriage. 

However, some people may marry without really thinking about how much weight this bond holds. This can cause a lot of problems in their marriage later down the road. 

If you are someone who is getting ready to get married, this Catholic Marriage Preparation quiz will help you to determine if you are ready for the commitment that marriage requires.

Questions Excerpt

1. What would you do if things don't go as you planned in marriage?

A. I'll pray and try harder for the marriage to work.

B. I'll pray.

C. I'll seek help from friends.

D. I'll divorce.

2. Would you say you love your spouse?

A. Yes, very much.

B. Yeah, in a way.

C. Just a little.

D. Not really.

3. How often you go to church?

A. Every Sunday or more.

B. Almost every Sunday.

C. Sometimes.

D. I don't go to church.

4. Do you plan children?

A. Yes, a lot.

B. If God gives.

C. Maybe just one.

D. No.

5. What do you think about divorce?

A. It's not an option.

B. Only if there's nothing else to be done.

C. I'd do it if we both agree.

D. Divorce is normal, a lot of people end up divorcing.

6. What does sex mean to you?

A. It's God's way of having children

B. Great way to have children and for partners to come closer

C. Sex is great, but with caution

D. It’s a great way to enjoy with your partner

7. Would you live with your partner without getting married?

A. No, marriage is a must.

B. Just if we're engaged.

C. Sure, as a trial version of marriage.

D. Yeah, why do you even need to get married?

8. What is the most important item in your home?

A. The Bible.


C. The TV set.

D. The phone.

E. The fridge.

9. What amazes you most in your partner?

A. Loyalty.

B. Character.

C. Strength.

D. Money.

10. What is your greatest quality?

A. Faith

B. Loyalty

C. Being smart

D. Money

11. Do you pray by yourself?

A. No

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Yes

12. Do you pray with your fiance?

A. No

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Yes

13. Do you ask for forgiveness when I have been wrong?

A. No

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Yes

14. Do you manipulate your partner’s feelings?

A. No

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Yes

15. Do you share your feelings in a civil manner?

A. No

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Yes

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