Are You Right For Her? (For Boys) Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 22 | Updated: Nov 10, 2022
 Are You Right For Her? (For Boys) Quiz

Find out if you are really the best person for your crush before you ask her out and look like a fool.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you think about her a lot?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. Not really

2. What is her favorite color?

A. Pink or red or purple

B. Green or blue

C. Black or white

D. Orange or yellow

3. Have you liked this girl your whole life?

A. Yes

B. I'm not sure

C. Maybe

D. No

4. On your first date, where would you take her?

A. Mall

B. Cinema

C. Zoo

D. Wrestling match

5. When you are around her, what should you do?

A. Act crazy

B. Be cool

C. Act natural

D. Be yourself

6. When you see her sad and alone, what do you do?

A. Impress your friends and not comfort her

B. Wait until your friends are gone and then comfort her

C. Ask some one else to comfort her for you

D. Man up and leave your friends and comfort her

7. How would you describe her?

A. Amazing

B. Awesome

C. Cute

D. Regular

8. Do you feel happy when you are around her?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. No

9. If she said that you are cute, what would you do?

A. Blush

B. Freak out

C. Say thanks

D. Give her a hug

10. If she kissed you, what would you do?

A. Nothing

B. Hug her

C. Say thanks

D. Run away from her

11. Does she find it easy to be around you?

A. Yes

B. Often

C. Not really

D. Never

12. Does she get excited when she sees you?

A. Yes

B. Often

C. Not really

D. Never

13. Do your personalities complement each other?

A. Absolutely

B. Some things do, some things don’t

C. Not many things match

D. Nothing matches

14. When you both fight, are you both a team?

A. Yes

B. Often

C. Not really

D. Never

15. Do you feel the chemistry with her?

A. Yes

B. Often

C. Not really

D. Never

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