Are You Profiting From Your Relationship Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 12 | Updated: Mar 02, 2023
 Are You Profiting From Your Relationship Quiz?

Are you benefitting from your relationship? In other words, is your relationship making you happy and helping you to become a better person?

A relationship is based on mutual respect and love. Ideally, when both individuals are vested in a relationship they should make sure that both of them evolve into beautiful personalities.

So, take this ‘Are You Profiting From Your Relationship Quiz’ to understand where you stand in your relationship.

Questions Excerpt

1. Are you neglecting your needs to make your partner happy?

A. Yes, I don’t have time for myself

B. No, my partner makes sure that my needs are fulfilled

2. Can you be completely honest with your partner?

A. Yes, we share everything

B. No, they throw tantrums

3. Have you changed for the better?

A. Yes, I have become a better person

B. I don’t know/Perhaps, I have become worse

4. Do you feel trapped in your relationship?

A. Yes

B. No

5. Does your partner encourage you and vice versa?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Only I take care

6. Are they your biggest cheerleader and vice versa?

A. Yes

B. No, they do not support me

7. Do they spend your hard-earned money without your knowledge?

A. Yes

B. No, never

8. Have they introduced you to any kind of addiction?

A. Sadly, yes

B. No

9. Do you actively discuss your future?

A. Yes

B. What is there to talk about?

10. Have they restricted you from keeping in touch with your parents?

A. Yes, they dominate me

B. No, they love my parents

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