Are You Overly Attached To Your Partner Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 2130 | Updated: Aug 22, 2022
 Are You Overly Attached to Your Partner Quiz?

Some people can be overly attached to their lovers, which is good as long as this possessiveness or dedication doesn’t become toxic or overwhelming for the other person. Overly attached people are sometimes people who have a certain emotional flaw that must have emerged during childhood. In other words, their fear of losing that person is the reason why they are so attached to their partner. So, do you consider yourself as overly possessive? If yes, take our quiz and find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. How long can you spend time alone without your lover?

A. A week

B. A day

C. A year

D. You don't know

2. What is the longest time you’ve spent without calling your lover?

A. A few hours

B. 10 hours

C. 24 hours

D. 7 days

3. Do you sometimes see your lover as a god?

A. Yes

B. Only when they are fit

C. No

D. Why should you?

4. Do you sometimes fear that you might be suffocating your lover?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes, you can read it in their eyes

C. All the time

D. No, because you are the best lover in the world

5. Is your love too deep when it comes to your partner?

A. Yes

B. No

C. You suspect so

D. Sometimes you feel this way

6. Has your partner ever asked you to leave them alone?

A. Yes, several times

B. Yes, a few times

C. No, never

D. It has never happened

7. Is your partner often saddened by your actions?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

D. Most of the time

8. Does your partner ask you desperately to let them spend some time with their friends?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Sometimes

C. Most of the time

D. No, they like your presence

9. Do you often worry that your partner might be cheating on you every time they are away?

A. Yes

B. No

C. You've had times when it occurred

D. It had happened quite often

10. Do you think that seeing your lover all the time is healthy?

A. Yes, definitely

B. No, not really

C. Playing hard to get is healthier

D. No, because they grow tired after a while

11. Do you think you like them a little too much?

A. Yes

B. I like them a decent amount

C. Not really

D. I like them the healthy amount

12. How often do you want to go on dates with them?

A. Every chance I get

B. Every weekend

C. Once in a while

D. It is not defined, but I like to see them often

13. Do you like traveling with your partner?

A. Yes, only them

B. Yes, with a group

C. Once in a while

D. Yes

14. Do you think you are clingy?

A. Yes, I feel I am

B. No

C. Not really

D. Maybe

15. Do you think you are a hopeless romantic?

A. Yes

B. Not really

C. Maybe

D. Not at all

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