Are You In An Unhappy Relationship Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 12515 | Updated: May 06, 2022
 Are You In An Unhappy Relationship Quiz?

Unhappy relationships are not uncommon. It could be because of a lack of love, mutual respect, or abuse. We don't get into a relationship to be unhappy. That's why most of us want to work things out as much as possible. 

However, it isn't easy to detect if your relationship is happy or unhappy. Most people confuse unhappy relationships with common relationships due to a lack of self-respect or other factors. 

So, how do you know if you are in an unhappy relationship? Take our are you in an unhappy relationship quiz and find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. What makes you sad about your partner?

A. Your partner's anger

B. Your partner's lack of emotions

C. Your partner's lack of ambitions

D. Your partner's lack of self-love

2. What angers you about your partner?

A. The way your partner treats others unfairly

B. Your partner's selfishness

C. Your partner's jealousy outbursts

D. Your partner's ability to keep important things secret for too long

3. What makes you happy about being with your partner?

A. The fact that your partner loves you

B. The fact that your partner sees you for who you truly are

C. The fact that your partner keeps their word

D. Nothing at all

4. Who makes the decisions in your relationship?

A. You

B. Both of you

C. Sometimes it's you, sometimes it's your partner

D. Hard to say as you are both very passive people

5. Who is the voice of reason in your relationship?

A. You

B. Your partner

C. Your best friend

D. Your mother

6. Do you even take time for one another?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Sometimes

C. Most of the time

D. Only when you have time

7. Do you communicate well in your relationship?

A. Yes, of course

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, especially before bed

D. You've never been good at communicating

8. Do you think there are trust issues in the relationship?

A. Yes, definitely

B. No, not really

C. Yes, because your partner is very secretive

D. Yes, because your partner is always on social media

9. Have you ever had feelings for someone else ever since you started this relationship?

A. Yes

B. Yes, but only when you feel neglected

C. No, never

D. No, you can't think of a time when you did

10. How many times have you dreamed of leaving your lover?

A. Many times before

B. At least once a month

C. Everyday

D. Never!

11. How easy is it to talk about your feelings with your partner?

A. Very easy

B. Challenging

C. Slightly difficult

D. Easy enough

12. Define the nature of your arguments..

A. Calm

B. Rational

C. Aggressive

D. Slightly loud

13. Has your partner ever abused you?

A. Not at all

B. I don't think so

C. Yes

D. Only verbally

14. Do you think your partner is toxic?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes I feel so

C. No

D. He is a complex person but not toxic

15. When was the last time you said 'I love you' to your partner?

A. Today

B. Yesterday

C. Last week

D. I don't remember

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