Are You In A Couple Bubble Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Updated: Oct 26, 2022
 Are You in a Couple Bubble Quiz?

Here is the are you in a couple bubble quiz! Being in a couple bubble sounds like a nice place to be, right? 

If you're not familiar with the term, it's a cute way of saying that sometimes, couples get so into the "bubble" that is their relationship that they forget about spending quality time with their friends. From the outside looking in, it seems like you have everything. Are you in a couple of bubbles, or do you have the right balance of single and attached? This is a serious question. 

Time to find out if you are in a bubble with this quiz!

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you feel secure as a couple?

A. Yes, we are much stronger together

B. Only sometimes and for certain situations

C. I'm not sure of that

2. Have you made a safe zone with your partner?

A. Yes

B. Kind of

C. Actually, no

3. Do you know each other's close friends?

A. Yeah, they're pretty close, too

B. They know, but they don't have very close communication

C. They don't know each other

4. Do you and your partner agree on what you’ll guarantee or promise each other?

A. Yes, we do

B. Neutral

C. Not yet

5. Do both members take time to focus on activities that grow your relationship?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No, never

6. Is "love" a priority for both of you?

A. Not for me

B. Yes definitely

C. Love is important yes, but not our top priority

7. Is it easy to find a solution when you argue with your partner?

A. Yes

B. Kind of

C. Actually, we are very struggling to deal with it

8. Do you see your partner next to you 10 years from now?

A. Life is very changeable. I would love to have them by my side, but I can't take it for sure

B. I'm sure they'll be with me no matter what

C. There is no guarantee even for tomorrow

9. Is your partner there to protect you both even when you’re going through hardship?

A. Always

B. Rarely

C. Nope, never

10. Lastly, are you able to chat freely about what's bothering you?

A. I can't say yes to this in every situation. I'm just pretty comfortable in some situations

B. I can talk about anything I want. I am sure they will get me well

C. It can be tough to predict this sometimes

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